Re: PoP

Bill McMurtry ( )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 19:16:12 +1000

At 00:36 12/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Dr. Jones!
>I know your fascination with BAP and the nuenergy claims, so you are
>probably aware of what is going on outside this list.
>It follows, make a claim, prove it. No BS, no attacks, just honesty.
>Doesn't matter who makes the claims, if they can't or won't prove it,
>they need to get lost until they can prove it.
>The list has begun and claims, dates and results (or not) are being
>collected for all to see and decide whether they wish to spend time or
>money with the Dennis Lee's of the world. Time's up, no more games.
>I'm happy to put time and effort toward it, perhaps it will help people
>filter out the cranks and crooks. It's been suggested before by many
>people, but I kept hoping someone else would take up the gauntlet...never
>happened, except for Eric Krieg....I'll make a point of contacting him
>also. The more we all work together to weed the free energy garden, the
>sooner w e'll see something useful come of that as
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

Hi Jerry,

I'd just like to add that I think your idea of a 'claims' resorce list is
right on the mark.

I for one would kill (maybe not kill) to not have to replicate some bogus
device just to test a claim. Why continually reinvent a F%!#*D wheel? Time
is short. A little coordination would save us, collectively, lifetimes of
waisted effort.

As for stepping on sensitive toes in the process of 'weeding the garden' (I
like that), too bad. Sensitive toes, in my experience, are usually
connected to thick heads.

I am of the opinion that a successful o/u or free energy device could not
be sold, bartered or monopolised in any way. The obvious vested interest
groups would aquire control of such a technology in a flash and it would be
shelved. Hey, if I thought my life depended on selling more oil or whatever
I'de do the same thing as them, right?

So, give it away. The only way to place such an earthshaking device into
the world today would be to give it away. That goes against everything
we've been taught when it comes to making money from our efforts. The great
U.S. of A., IMHO, was/is built on exploiting devices, people, ideas, etc,
etc, and the rest of the world follows. Giving something away goes against
the grain!

Those that try to sell their working o/u or free energy device, and thereby
keep their secrets to themselves, are no good to us. We will never hear of
their efforts again (although we may hear the rumours).

