Re: Some Info

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 01:32:48 -0800

Hi Dr. Jones!

You wrote;

> My opinion is that there are too many ideas/theories/alleged devices
> out there and we are flitting too fast from one to the other. The
> result is that we have a half baked idea on one concept before someone
> suggests another and we all rush to see the new kid. And that results
> in running around in circles.

An interesting why DO we flit from one to another?

Is it because one theory, idea or claim doesn't work so we go to the next
hoping this will be 'THE ONE'? Is it because we want to be on top of the
newest, hottest thing? Is it because discussion or interest in the
'current' hot thing has died out?

IMHO, it is a combination of all of these, resulting from frustration
when we read a claim that is not supported, being kept secret or has some
proviso required.

Take the kilowatt claims of many F/E devices....why is this so? Surely,
if you can make a self-sustaining kilowatt machine, you could very easily
make a 100 watt or 1 watt machine to serve as a desktop PoP for all the
doubting Thomases, damn their eyes...<g>....

Though it is possible the free energy effect might not occur except at
certain minimum power levels, a remote possibility.

So let those who want to keep it close to their chest die with the secret
(if they ever had it), it's probably happened many times in the past and
still we haven't learned that the only way to get F/E or gravity control
out is to freely distribute details on whatever is known to work. The
inventor should let the fates decide on his/her future, I think the
result will be most gratifying as well as financially rewarding. If it
was my discovery, I would go with the shareware proposal to lock my name
to it everytime the document was reprinted

I suspect that I am more of an optimist and utopian than most.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187