Re: Wesley Gary

Bill McMurtry ( )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:55:06 +1000

At 13:04 11/02/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Bill,
>You have obviously taken this further than I did.
>My basic observation from my experiments was that the neutral line really
>doesn't exist but is an artifact from the geometry of the magnet, the
>keeper, and the materials they are made from. I could see from my
>measurements w/ the gauss meter that both versions 2 and 3 would probably
>work but would take progressively more refinements in materials and
>geometries and at the time I simply didn't have the resouces to pursue it.
>If was also at this time that I met and old codger in Tucson who had built
>a working magnetic motor and it was much more intrigueing than the Gary
>effect. He explained to me its basic principles but would never reveal the
>exact details as he had been told by his lawer back in the 50's that he
>would be killed by the oil cartel if he tried to put it out and told me
>that I shouldn't try it either.
>His mag motor is based on the fact that the pull and push energy of a
>magnet on another magnet is much stronger that the energy of sliding the
>magnets apart. The old guy's mag motor had a set up to do a rotation of the
>magnets and when they rotated in close to the stator magnet in a sliding
>motion and used push to push them away from the magnet when the magnet had
>moved past the stator magnet. The momentum imparted in the pull cycle was
>sufficient to carry the rotor magnets past the stator magnets and the push
>added more energy. If an odd number of magnets is usde in the rotor and
>even number in the stator it is possible to have a fairly continuous set of
>push/pull/slides going on. The old codger said the first device they
>developed had around 30 horsepower.
>It would be nice to get some finaning to try and build one of these but it
>would take some big bucks as the magnets alone could cost upwards of


Hi Dan,

I've met a few old cudgers in my time too - always a learning experience, I
might add.

Essentially I agree with your assessment that the Gary neutral line is an
artifact of the system components. Although, I would have to say that I
think it certainly exists - you know, 1+1=3 :)

It is interesting to hear you say that you think that Gary's device
probably worked. If you're right (hey, I'm on your side) then this could be
the FIRST viable working free energy device in history that others could
replicate. Component costs are minimal and it is, essentially, a simple
mechanical device. All we need are the instructions for building and tuning
it. Thanks to Wesley Gary we've got the building instructions...
