Re: Wesley Gary

Dr Jones ( )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 19:17:07 +1300

At 13:45 12/02/98 +1000, you wrote:
>At 16:29 11/02/98 GMT, you wrote:
>>On Wed, 11 Feb 1998 06:50:01 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi Jay,
>I do not think much of Searle's (Professor of what?) ideas. Try to find any
>phisical evidence to back up his claims - you'de be lucky. My only
>conversation with Searle yeilded absolutely no technical support for his
>claims, and he always hedged direct questions of a technical nature. Sorry,
>but sometimes a good yarn just is'nt enough. (What do you call someone who
>takes another persons money and time, makes grand statements of 'truth and
>fact', promises the world, yet NEVER DELIVERS, leaving this earth poorer
>for the experience?)
>Bill :(
>P.S. Hey Jerry, here's one for your PoP list - if ye dare!

I'm fully with Bill on this one. I read some time ago that Searle had orders
for his cars/machines/whatevers and that they were ready to go within a feew

well nothing has happened that I know of. Neither did he respond to my email.

IMHO, Searle has nothing worth taking an interest in. Because either it
doesn't exist, it doesn't work or he's too paranoid to let anyone else have
the info - making it just as useless.