Sternheimer erratum

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Mon, 9 Feb 1998 14:14:43 +0100 (MET)

Hi all !

I wrote, following Jerry's quote :
> > imagine, a CDROM that you play on your multimedia computer..
> > .it plays the correct freqs for any molecular compound (drug or medicine)
> That's what MRI claimed

Should have been MRX technology from Neil Gerardo. Extraordinary claims,
which I don't remember too clearly. It seems to have disappeared from the Net.

Also there is Harmonic Translation, at
They advertise for "electronic homeopathy" software that runs on a
multimedia computer, flashing sounds and colors.

The other "molecular signals" processes I mentioned in my last post are not
using sound or images, but need an EM transducer. The "signatures" can be
recorded on files and sent as email, then broadcast using the sound card of
the computer, linked to a transducer. That's what Benveniste did between his
lab in Paris & a lab in Chicago.

Regards to all
Jean-Pierre Lentin