Bill McMurtry ( )
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 22:19:49 +1000

At 22:15 9/02/98 +1300, you wrote:
>At 00:28 9/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>On Mon, 9 Feb 1998, Dr Jones wrote:
>>Though I may not be Jerry Decker, I think I can speak with the same
>>authority and backing of the entire list when I say this:
>>I FUCKING DONT LIKE SPAM! I don't appreciate having to deal with this
>>line of crap, nor do I appreciate your posting thereof, "Doctor".
>>I'm sure that everyone else will agree that spam will *NOT* be tolerated
>>on this mailing list. How would you like it if I flooded YOUR mailbox
>>with mindless crap? Don't eat up our bandwidth with this filth.
>Well I just delete mindless crap. I donrt bother reading it.
>You must be like those whinging useless poms who complain about junk mail
>when normal people just use it as a free source of kitty-box liner.
>Also, I posted it to see what would happen should it be limited to the first
>1000 recipients.
>Anyway, precedent set and matter settled.
>I thought it was kinda funny anyway.
>"Doctor" Jones
>PS I thought it was an interesting psychological experiment. If this message
>was dressed up as a free energy device, half the people on this list would
>have accepted it without a second thought.
Doctor Jones, (IF that's your real name)

I did not involve myself in this discussion list to receive chain emails,
irritating arguements about trivial matters, etc, etc. Neither did I join
to be involved in someone's "psychological experiments".

You are of course correct in stating that half (I would say all) of the
people on this list (myself included) WOULD accept the chain message if it
was dressed up as a free energy device (Hmmmmmmm, think, think).

We would'nt nessesarily have to swallow the crap though, would we? (crap
taste BAD)

P.S. There are perhaps a few good English researchers out there that
deserve (I believe) an apology for your "whinging useless poms" Crack. IE:
the're not useless :)

P.P.S. I always send MY chain email on. Do'nt want any BAD LUCK now do I? I
won't have to THINK TWICE about who to send the NEXT ONE to will I? Nope.

"Proffesor" Bill. ;)