Re: French symposium report

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 06 Feb 1998 06:55:59 -0800

Hi Jean!

You wrote;
> 3/ Joel Sternheimer, maverick French physician who invented a new
> kind of sonic bio-active technique (calculated acoustic frequencies,
> based on the molecular vibrations emitted during protein synthesis
> in the cell), did a convincing demonstration of the effect... on
> avocados and melons (well, Cavaillon is the French melon capital !).
> We could all taste it ! He had set his sonic frequencies for fruit
> conservation, and there was a big difference with untreated fruits.
> Sterheimer is a stark opponent to transgenic technology and shows you
> can achieve the same results with a much more benign method - just
> some sounds, a few minutes a day ! Off the record, I'll add that
> these sound frequencies have also a definite health effect on humans -
> I experienced it, so did my wife and friends - it works, but it's
> still in a very experimental stage.

Jean, I can't seem to get over this section of your post!! 'Molecular
vibrations emitted during protein synthesis in the cell', followed later
by your report that you, your wife and friends all felt something which
you indicate to be beneficial....most intriguing...

You see, I had a blood problem that was 'treated' with exposure to a
sound pattern created from information extracted from a voiceprint. My
blood doctor was amazed that my blood condition had changed so rapidly
with no treatment from him. He wanted to inject cortisone which I
understood to be like insulin in its property of requiring more and more
over time, leading to serious permanent I used this
sound tape for about 2 weeks every night while sleeping in a continuous
loop so it played all night.

So, having direct experience with this (and I did NOT know what to
expect at the time of the 'treatment'), your observation about this
resonates with mine. Is there any way to get more information,
specifically buy tapes or CDROMs of this guys frequencies?? If you've
ever seen the work of Hans Jenny which led to Cymatics, you know that
sound does indeed rule the universe in ways we barely I can
see how molecular and even elemental frequencies can induce/evoke effects
in the body...I see it as not only a means to improve health but to
REJUVENATE tissue...if you can provide any further information on this
man or contact to him, I would appreciate it....thanks!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187