French symposium report

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 18:39:34 +0100 (MET)

Hi all !

I just got back from the "Festival Science Frontieres" in Cavaillon (a
yearly gathering on alternative sciences, in the South of France) and
gathered some interesting info on "electronic healing". (There was nothing
on the O/U front).

1 / The Priore device may one day rise from its ashes (Antoine Priore, an
electrical engineer, developed, in the 60's and 70's, a device combining RF,
microwave, strong magnetic fields and a plasma tube, and had spectacular
results against cancer and parasite infection, some of it documented by
mainstream scientists. Unfortunately, Priore, who died in 1983, never
revealed some crucial settings and parameters of use...).

At Science Frontieres, we met Bernard Murzeau, a medical doctor, who made an
attempt to replicate the device a few years ago, with former Priore
assistants and electronics engineers, but could not keep his team on the job
long enough. They assembled 3 successive small versions, just to get the
knack. Testing for health effects gave irregular results. There were other
Priore replication attempts, but they all disposed of the tricky plasma tube
and concentrated on radio waves and magnetics. All were blatant failures.
Murzeau was the only one to stick to the plasma tube approach, and he thinks
he was making progress. Now, at Science Frontieres, Murzeau was invited for
a lecture, and was amazed by the interest. He was looking for electronicians
and RF techs to get a new team going, and, lo and behold, he found them
right on the spot ! But his biggest jolt was discovering abour Rife. It
seems that in the whole history of electrotherapy, R.R. Rife and Antoine
Priore were the only ones to light a plasma tube with RF (and get results on
cancer and infections). And Murzeau had never heard of Rife... Boy, was he
excited ! So, stay in tune for future epidodes...

2 / There was some talk about the French-Belgish team who published in a
German scientific medical journal (Erfahrung Heilkunde, Acta medica
empirica) their striking cancer results. Cell-cultures of 6 types of cancer
(lung, breast, liver, colon, kidney and brain, delivered by ATTC, Bethesda)
were destroyed, 80 % to 100 %, while cultures of healthy cells from same
organs were left untouched. EM radiation was a combination of low power
pulsed magnetic unipolar fields and "specific rays" (i.e. cellular radio
frequencies from high dilutions (homeopathic) of cancerous cells,
transmitted via a MORA device - metal electrodes, sensor and amplifier - 1
Hz to 150 Khz). Separate use of each kind of ray was without effect. Cells
were exposed 60 minutes a day, for 5 days. (Article available only in German
of French, at the moment).

Right now the same team is working on implanted tumors in mice, and report
getting good results. They feel confident that, in a few months, their
results could be published in Nature or Science, the big name science
journals (well, good luck to them, they're hard nuts to crack !).

3/ Joel Sternheimer, maverick French physician who invented a new kind of
sonic bio-active technique (calculated acoustic frequencies , based on the
molecular vibrations emitted during protein synthesis in the cell), did a
convincing demonstration of the effect... on avocados and melons (well,
Cavaillon is the French melon capital !). We could all taste it ! He had set
his sonic frequencies for fruit conservation, and there was a big
difference with untreated fruits. Sterheimer is a stark opponent to
transgenic technology and shows you can achieve the same results with a much
more benign method - just some sounds, a few minutes a day ! Off the record,
I'll add that these sound frequencies have also a definite health effect on
humans - I experienced it, so did my wife and friends - it works, but it's
still in a very experimental stage.

Well, that's it for the highlights (IMHO) of this year's festival. I'll be
glad to provide more precise references for those who request it. Hope it is
of some interest. Best regards to all !

our bodies are tuned instuments that require certain
frequencies to survive.

there is a Rife List that is mentioned
on Jim Bare's web site. Beware that it is really 'alternative' and gets
into all types of healing stuff.

RIfe technology tries to hit a evanescent resonate mode for cells to
them and eviserate them. PAPIMI device tries to correct the imbalance

I believe the key to affecting our cells is the H-Fields not E-Fields and
irradiating our bodies with a broadbanded low amplitude spectrum
once and awhile may just be beneficial.
Jean-Pierre Lentin