Re: Overunity/Energy accomplished???

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 06 Feb 1998 07:12:22 -0800

Hi Ken!

I'll accept the wrath of god, but not from this jerk....this guy has been
posting weirdness to the vortex and freenrg discussion lists for many
moons now.

After trying to wade through his gabble in his many posts, I learned to
simply delete the posts as they were received....from what I recall, he
has no working device at this point.

I tried to read his page but it was so screwed up, I couldn't follow
anything he said, and was very disappointed in the curse ye and all that
god will get you crap.

Why can't people just build it, test it, prove it, then post the details
so others can validate/verify it and go from there....geez, so
disappointing,...much like Cagle with all his religious ranting...

Do you think there is something that 'snaps' in people when they reach a
certain level of frustration, pressure to produce or stress?

I am beginning to think this is so...based on the ever more outlandish
claims from those who initially begin with a somewhat rational idea.

When it fails to produce a working device, the attention gained from
its 'release' was so ego gratifying or financially rewarding, that they
become desparate, wanting to sustain and increase the feeding

So they come out with even crazier claims, or try to latch onto
information that they can parrot as their own 'research' maybe putting in
a twist to it or hoping no one will discern obvious plagiarism. Still
nothing that works, and on and on, ad is up to us all to
question and insist that if you make a claim you can prove it, period,
otherwise, go away and work on it til it DOES function as CLAIMED.

Witness the GIGAWATT claims recently promoted by Don Smith, much as I
like the guy, it is a serious error in his public statements..

Ah well, time goes on, I'll not give up, but neither will I brook these
claimants who use suppression or secrecy or malfunction to cover their
lies. One thing to make an honest error in measurement or to read in
more than is there, this is cleared up by independent verification, it is
another to try to rip people off for ego or money....seeya!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187