Re: Overunity/Energy accomplished???

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 09:10:44 -0500


>On going out with some friends....we discussed this and they had heard of
>the company 'Excel' which has been promoting this for a couple of years
>and it hasn't taken off, my friends and no on they know who looked into
>the scheme had any confidence in it, after all, 2-3 years later and no
>one was making that kind of money....

I've heard a lot about Excel and I thought it WAS big. This dentist that my
wife goes to - the secretary is the Wife of the Dr, and they PUSH Excel -
just like AMWAY! The Dr now only works part time and is in Excel full time.
Image that! The Wife, says my wife, makes 5k a month now as she has
a network (MLM?). Actually it's not that bad... they sell long distance at
10 cents a minute, which is actually very attractive or at least was. Now
that they and others are into the long distance business (and AT&T is
loosing customers, hense there recent plans for another 20,000 layoff)
AT&T is starting to reduce thier rates - notice the recent commercials
of 10cent a minute????

I think you could make money and legally in this... but you have to be a
salesman and a talker - sort of like a politician.

Sorry about NO-OVERUNITY here.... I should have retitled this...