Re: Vortex tubes - -50 degree cooling?

William H. Allen ( (no email) )
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 09:31:13 -0500

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Ken!
> Yes, the Hilsch/Rankin tubes are fascinating, that you could heat or cool
> from simply air and this separator can buy them off the shelf
> for about $200 and I've seen plans posted on how to build them...
> The main problem as I understand it, is they take a lot of air to keep
> them producing the hot/cold separation.
> Now that you mention it.....let me run something by you (and everyone
> else)....
> Many years ago, I was curious about the claim of TUMO...which is supposed
> to be a way to control temperature mentally, normally associated with
> Yogic studies....well, I've always thought we should be able to produce
> gross results that at least mimic these Yogic abilities until we figured
> out how to produce the real thing, driven exclusively from the
> mind....biofeedback training...etc...that's another topic.
> Well, the claim is a Yogi would sit naked in snow and freezing climates,
> on a mountaintop yet....not only was he perfectly warm but a circle of
> melted snow surrounded him....all from his mastery of TUMO...this
> mysterious internal force...
> So, I found a comment years ago saying that the bonding angle of the
> hydrogen to oxygen in the water molecule varied with temperature. I've
> been looking for the hard science data on this, but never found it (yet).
> As I understood it, water at room temperature had a bonding angle of
> about 120 degrees....when it is frozen, the bonding angle was 118
> degrees, and when in steam form, the bonding angle was 122 degrees...
> If this is so and has been measured (I don't see how they'd measure
> steam), then if we could instantly or even gradually alter the bonding
> angle using phase conjugates, we could produce controlled heating and
> cooling of water....this means a personal body climate control system...
> Since the body is 98% water, we simply produce a biasing field to control
> the bonding angle for a given temperature....I know, it sounds very spacy
> and thats why I am not comfortable with it at this point because I can't
> find the bonding angles and their associated matter phase state (ice,
> water, steam)....
> Does anyone know where to find this bonding angle or have any thoughts on
> this? It would make a helluva product if we could determine
> it...imagine, a NUDE world...<g>.....
> --
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

I read about the Hilsch Vortex Tubes when I was in the 7'th grade. That
would have been about 28 years ago!! It was in a book titled 'The
Scientific American Book of Experiments For the Amateur Scientist'. I
must have checked that book out a hundres times!
I told my dad "This thing could have some neat uses... spot cooling or
something else in industry". Now, of course there is a mature industry
surrounding that device(Vortec). I guess they can't really have too many
rights on the basic tube... it is 60 years old!

Vortex tubes make use of a kind of Maxwell's Demon. Compressed air is
spiralled into the side of a tube and made to wrap into a tight spin.
The molocules spinning in the inner part of the spiral have less kinetic
energy than those flying around in the outside (larger diameter). There
is a small hole in the COLD end that lets the slower molocules out. The
seperation of flow is controlled by valve the end of the tube. More than
100 degrees temperature delta is possible.

They DO require a large amount of compressed air to work. When
mechanical refrigeration came available it went away.
Too bad I didn't start that company!!