Re: Rife

Mathias P. ( (no email) )
Tue, 03 Feb 1998 01:12:55 -0800

Bill McMurtry wrote:
> Hi All,
> where you all at? Must be the quietest bunch of 70-odd opinionated folk
> I've come across.
> Just out in the latest Nexus magazine is a very interesting article on the
> work and research of one James E. Bare. As we all know (don't we?) the ...
...Jerry, you might want to follow this one up.
> Bill.

Hello Bill:
I built a device very much like James E. Bare a couple of years ago. I
would fire into it the frequencies from the progrm Blaster5 (to be found
somewhere in the Keelynet Files). It was hard to appreciate its effects
since I have not been sick and am not equipped to observe living blood
sample (such as with a dark field microscope). My partner used to
suffers from immune deficiencies resulting in severe chemical/food
sensitivities and of an early stage breast cancer; she used to expose
herself to the device. She is now in remittance but still suffers from
chemical sensitivities. However the Rife thing was only one of many
therapies she followed so I could not say it was due to the device. A
couple interesting notes though:
- while I was tuning the SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) of the antenna with
the help of a friend we unplugged the thing and the plasma tube kept
self firing for about 10 second!
- I used to expose to the plasma tube some colloidal silver to which had
been added some Flanagan microclusters
( I did not get a cold for the time I
was drinking the stuff (2 years)though I had many many chances to get

Other observation: I think it made a difference weather the plasma tube
was alligned to magnetic north or not (North better) why?
I am sure the noble gas mix that Rife used was critically important
(J.E. Bare says not). I have no idea what he used. Someone?
Have a look at for health effect of Noble

Also: I just found an interesting proposal for a free energy vortex
pump (poorly subsantiated perahps) at
