Re: Inertial Drives

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 10:40:51 -0500

>You wrote;
>> Instead of paying 8-9 cents per KW my rate is 3 cents. How could
>> this be??? I have a microcontroller controlling my 'demand limit'
>> of current in the house. During peak hours they keep track of the
>> average peak current during any one half hour period and a one time
>> charge for the month is given. The microntroller does not allow the
>> average peak power to raise more than a set limit for any month.
>That sounds like a great idea! So what happens if you go beyond that
>limit? Does the microcontroller warn you? Shut down your power? Or do
>they just charge you for the extra juice used?
The uC controls 4-5 items like the heat pump, hot water heater, cloths
electric heat, even oven or other things. The uC shows any and all energy
consumption for each item and can prioritize which devices have most
priority. You can set the average peak number manually so it has over ride
functions. If all controled equipment is off the peak usage usually never
exceeds the set limit - which was calculated from last years energy
So lets say that in the peak hours (5pm to 9pm) I want to wash cloths,
cook dinner, and heat water/house, etc... The uC will allow, according to
priority, the heat pump to come on for awhile, then cycle the hot water
then the dryer, etc... until it averages a peak limit set for the whole
house. It
has performed nicely - without 'feeling' the effects of controlled power.
times though the clothes may take longer to dry... (-:

v/r Ken Carrigan