Re: Inertial Drives

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 07:28:45 -0800

Hi Ken!

You wrote;
> I was referring to the 27 pyramids for car lifting.

As specified in the article, there is an energy bubble associated with
any pyramidal structure. The NPAP1.HTM document describes it and the
opacity that can be produced in it using various techniques.

The breakthrough secret is covered in the Shape Power book and I'll let
Dan state them if he chooses to. The beauty of the whole thing, the
energy bubble in any pyramid can have its opacity to any external energy
switched on or off, like a light bulb.

So, a pyramid structure, just sitting there, has an energy bubble that
varies in opacity depending on the presence or absence of one of these
'conduits'. What Joe Parr discovered and Dan Davidson verified, was a
simple means of artifically switching this bubble on and off. That is
what is in Shape Power, along with additional information that relates to

I am perturbed that anyone would think the book was any kind of scam or
that I or KeelyNet would knowingly promote or otherwise support anything
like it. The quote was;

> Can we try an experiment at home before we buy this book - and get
> scammed again?

This book and scammed again indicates Davidson scammed someone. I don't
think so....

If there was any scam involved and if I knew about it, it would not be on
KeelyNet, period. I've known Dan for about 10 years now and would (and
HAVE) trusted him with my life and testicles, on pyramids, climbing
mountains, in tombs, in highly dangerous situations that INVITED attacks,
we by god made it through without damage to either of us..<g>
can't get more trustworthy than that.

I am all for posting at least a small experiment that anyone can do, and
Dan DID that in the NPAP1.HTM document. He has had only two responses in
over two years now, and they still haven't done the experiment (or at
least reported back). So few won't do the experiment (include me on that
and I kick myself FOR it) is very simple, especially the new
centrifuge with the sawtooth blade type wheel. The circuit for Dan's
gravity wave detector is also included in the book, so not only can
people build the device and trigger the bubble, they can also detect the
thing, though the simplest method is a gram scale...all in the book.

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187