Weight Loss (measured)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 22:24:17 -0800

Hi Folks!

On the recent death of Professor Eric Laithwaite, I read a letter from
Harold Aspden posted to the INE website at;

http://keelynet.com/gravity/laithobi.htm - Laithwaite Obituary
http://www.padrak.com/ine/REVISIONS.html - Aspden letter

that had this most interesting quote;

> All one needed to see was Laithwaite standing on a large weighing
> machine and doing his flywheel lift while one read the weight
> recorded. It was only years later that a television documentary on
> Laithwaite's gyroscopic activity, which included participation by the
> Alex Jones, was screened here in U.K. and it did include that weighing
> machine demonstration which proved the weight loss.

This reminded me of the party levitation experiment where four people
lift a seated person while all are on a large scale, the following is
extracted from the file at; http://keelynet.com/energy/gestalt.htm

The lifters always agree that the subject seems to have lost weight.
Does the subject actually lose weight, or is it an illusion? To seek
the answer, five persons recently tried the experiment on the platform
of a sensitive scale.

At the outset, the combined weight of the experimenters was 712
pounds, but when the lift was made, according to Hereward Carrington,
Ph.D., research officer of the American Psychical Institute, "these
surprising results were noted: On the first and second trials, there
was a loss of weight amounting to 52 pounds. On the third, fourth and
fifth lifts, 60 pounds were lost."

Quite intriguing...

--                Jerry W. Decker   /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187