Re: Bruce's testing device

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:01:31 -0500


I am more than happy to do this.

However, I do not like the negative comments.

I am open to positive comments that will lead
to a better device...


Kenneth Carrigan wrote:
> Bruce,
> If we can cut out the 'economics' of your device and talk about
> what you have and why it works (how, why, what) then all this
> negative stuff could be shut off. I really do not care if it is nuclear
> as long as you have something to share with us - and it produces
> (maybe) something.
> Can you indulge us with what your material is and what it can do?
> You don't have to tell us how you made it, but how about a little
> description and some results.
> v/r Ken Carrigan