Re: Prototype

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:17:02 -0500

To All,

After going over past posts I did find that I originally posted the
statement. I offer an apology here to the person that I was so quick to
I have done exactly what others have been doing to me. If Jerry will
me I will repond to questions about my system, so long as they are not
judgemental in nature.

-Bruce A. Perreault

> In that same post you say:
> _>* For someone that has the basics it should cost under $200.00 to build
> _>a basic proof of concept beta-version. For a person who is starting from
> _>bare-bones it should cost under $500.00
> I presume this represents cost of components for surrounding circuitry
> we would be required to build. Do you provide known working designs for
> this or do you give a list of specifications for us to design our own
> circuitry to meet? If the former, do you have lists of equivalents for
> components that may not be locally available in other countries, or at
> least descriptions of critical parameters needing to be met by
> substitute components?
> _>To build a prototype that puts out say, 5Kw, would cost about $5.000.00
> Are the "valves" supplied capable of this level of power given suitable
> supporting circuitry?

Perreault wrote:

This is a direct quote from the manual that Program members will be
given on
the first of February, 1998. Some how you have managed to get past my
block and have firgured out the PASSWORD to open the .pdf file. I do not
this in the least. This is outright theft! Now you can see why I must
keep this
project very close to my chest. This is an invasion! You are another
"rat in the
cornfield." It is people like you that fuel suppression...