Re: Diggs

Bob Aldrich ( )
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 11:48:51 -0800

(Try number 2)

Test to see if I'm getting out... I'm having a slight access problem.
But here's a response:

This all reminds me of a fellow an employee I used to have, Don
Breeding, who said he met a fellow who had perfected a device that
stored liquid electricity. I believe he said it was a supercooled and
conductive container with "leaves" of silver suspended from the inside
center. He used nitrogen or some such to cool it, and began pumping
electricity into it. It took a very long time to charge it up, maybe
months, I don't recall exactly. Presently, if you shook the container,
you could hear a sloshing inside. The electricity had become liquid.
What he used it for, I don't recall.

The fellow was rich from an unrelated field, those sprinklers you see
on large wheels rolling across farmland. I don't know if his name was
Diggs or not.

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles

Dr Jones wrote:
> Hi all;
> There's an inventor by the name of Richard Diggs who invented an interesting
> auto electrical engine at an inventors workshop (IW International). I have