Re: Diggs

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 21:52:07 -0800

Hi Dr. Jones!

Fascinating, yes Diggs was the man (still alive I am told), claimed a
DeWar flask the size of a thermos bottle could hold enough 'compressed or
liquid electricity' to run a small city for a year.....a flask the size
of the Washington monument could power the entire US for a year...

Note; you still have to charge the durn it isn't free energy
or even remotely close....just a novel way of storing tremendously high
amounts of energy. But you could use LIGHTNING! Much like the DoDs
power ring using superconductors.

The relevant quote from that site that was referred to by Dr. Jones is;
> The mutual repulsion of electrons can be overcome at sufficiently high
> pressures and low temperatures. Pump electricity into a nonconductive,
> supercooled extreme high-pressure vessel, through a large sheaf of fine
> emitting points, and the electrons can be induced to flow together
> and behave as a dense fluid, as long as conditions of great pressure
> and cold are maintained. Naturally the energy density of a drop of pure
> electron fluid far exceeds that of any previous electrical storage
> medium.

> To snuff forest fires, put a high-frequency oscillation into the fluid
> electricity as it leaves the nozzle. At the proper frequency it will
> flow as a heat-seeking surface charge over everything that's burning,
> simultaneously cooling the outside of all trees and animals, and
> briefly removing the electrochemical pressure and cold of the
> container, the liquid will flow very quickly over the entire blaze as
> it breaks up into free electrons, the cling to all hot spots as they
> drop below the flash point, to prevent them from reigniting while the
> charge disperses.

That last part is fascinating, reminds me of a press release a few years
ago about snuffing fires with negative electrostatic electricity...the
Israeli's had developed a portable fire fighting device that used this
and there was a US company which was going to market it. Never heard
anything else about it....sent this to the ITS also but they never
published it...I remember making that into a KeelyNet file at the time,
will have to hunt for it, probably in the ecology section...

As I understood it, negative ions DISPLACE oxygen, thus snuffing the
flames and putting out the fire, even smoldering fires that wouldn't be
affected by water or chemicals unless completely staturated...there is a
gaseous extinguisher used for computer rooms and electronics that won't
damage boards...can't recall the name of the gas..but it displaces oxygen
also....there is always a warning to NOT BREATHE this gas because if it
gets in the lungs, you will die of suffocation since you cannot absorb this negative electrostatic snuffing is an electronic
version of this same gas. Just can't remember the name at the moment, it
is very common.....

> It is a surface charge only, so it shouldn't penetrate or harm any
> living organisms. While we're at it we can add the the blend of
> vibrations that stimulate rapid cell growth, so as to accelerate the
> healing and regrowth of the trees and other creatures in the damaged
> area.--
Jerry W. Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-8741
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187