Re: Gravity does NOT suck
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 22:03:24 -0800 (PST)

Putting machines on the market is not ALWAYS the way to success, Jerry.
Take my angle, for example. I'm interested in Keely's works for three
reasons, really (hehehe - there's that number again):
1) Pure curiousity
2) Gimme an E, gimme a G, gimme an O - what's that spell? E-G-O!! :)
3) $$$
However, I've noticed that most people seem focused purely on the $$$
reason. Nothing wrong with that - it's just that people here have it all
wrong. Take some advice: you'll *NEVER* succeed in marketing free energy
devices, simply because of the fact that you'll be competing DIRECTLY
against so many established economic forces that once they get wind of
you, you'll be stomped out of business. Period.

Thus, if you really want to succeed at Free Energy -- you have to find new
ways to tackle the problem of distributing your product. There's several
ways you could deal with this:
1) DECENTRALIZE the sales process; don't rely on market-recognition --
rely instead on the utility of the product to make your sales. Distribute
the goods to trusted distributors and local vendors to produce and sell
these devices, and then reap fat royalties off their sales.

2) Give it all away free and let everyone build it themselves (pfff...
yea, right)

3) DON'T sell your technology; instead, use it to gain an advantage over
the competition in an unrelated industry. (For instance, use such
technology on the MANUFACTURING side of a company so that you can provide
your own raw materials FREE, and thus, be able to totally STOMP your
competition -- and since they have no way of knowing you're using such
technology, they won't use strongarm tactics to put you out of business --
hence, you can silently kill the competition). [Presumably you'd later
turn around, after the competition is gone, and deliver all that wonderful
free-energy technology to the public.]

Damnit, Jerry -- see what you made do! Went off on a tangent again.
Oh well. :) However, it *IS* important that everyone present understand
the economic impact that free energy and high technology has upon society.
Better understanding of these principles will lead to the development of
better marketing strategies -- and hopefully to the eventual success of
SOMEONE out there in delivering free energy to the people.