January 98 Roundtable Notes (Part 3)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 03:34:29 -0800

More notes from the January 98 VSRT meeting in Dallas

We discussed the possibility of a REAL workshop, where we rent a room for
one day, provide complete parts (in kit form) and have a workshop where
each person BUILDS THEIR OWN WORKING DEVICE...in this case a Beck HIV
Blood Neutralizer...it would be way cool, because each person would not
only build their own unit, but we ensure it works...when they leave the
meeting, they fully understand the device and get to have a working
unit....this is the way I think all REAL workshops should be...something
TANGIBLE that proves the claims, even if just a simplified version..

A side effect of the Neutralizer reported by Bob, was weight loss...by
hooking the electrodes to your ankles, it helps to stimulate the immune
system, increasing energy level and fat burning from the additional
activities you now have energy enough for..<g>..so some of us want a
machine just for that....(word is Bob Beck had lost over 100 pounds using
just this machine, I saw a picture of him recently and he looks much,
MUCH slimmer)...details on how to build these are posted on the EXPLORE!
website...check out; http://keelynet.com/biology/thumind.htm

In another side discussion, a friend sent a disk containing the text and
images he scanned in from a rare brochure put out by Wally Minto. It
shows how to build a slow turning, high torque, rotary heat pump that
will run for decades all by itself, using temperature differentials..very
exciting...I have to clean up the images but they will be posted shortly.

In yet another side discussion, we understand the sons of Henry Moray had
offered a prize/reward of $1000 for anyone who could best explain how
their father's free energy device worked....turns out a friend found the
paper that won (I never knew anyone had won)...it is supposed to be about
15 or so pages long....and uses the term (Lesagian) after LeSage, the
first PUSH gravity proponent. We await that paper.

--                Jerry W. Decker   /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187