January 98 Roundtable Notes (Part 2)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 03:21:55 -0800

More on the January 98 VSRT meeting.

We went over Linus Paulings claim that Lysine and vitamin C taken as 4
grams (yep, GRAMS, that is 4,000 milligrams) per day would loosen
lipoproteind (plaque) and eliminate them, thus unclogging the arteries
and easing the heart..this was posted at KeelyNet about 3 weeks ago...Dr.
Bob said he uses Chelation therapy to do the same thing in about 14
days...but only in dangerous cases...he said the fear is one of these
chunks could cause a stroke if it gets loose in the bloodstream, as
opposed to the lysine/vitamin C which takes a couple of months to work.
He also said he gave argeninine which stimulates growth hormones that are
partly suppressed by the chelation therapy. Other discussion brought up
the use of something called MLM (I don't remember what it stands for, but
it is a chemical name...I must admit not paying attention while this was

In yet another side discussion, a fellow showed us a pink mark on his ear
and about a 2" rough circle on his chest which was healing...he said it
was skin cancer...he used something called 'Big C' which claims to be a
highly negatively charged potassium compound...when put on a skin cancer,
it burns for a bit, but within a couple of days, the cancer scabs over
and eventually falls off, leaving new pink skin....it was totally amazing
to see the result....I plan on getting some of this for my brother, who
has a mild case of skin cancer...

Yet another side comment said that the Bob Beck HIV Blood Neutralizer
might have some side effects that aren't widely known....nothing really
specific, but some feelers have been sent out to get the stories and
conditions involved...the last thing we need is people to be hurting

Other reports about Hulda Clarks Zapper, holding copper rods in each hand
to let the signal go through....but all reports were positive, that is,
use of the Zapper benefitted the person...

Another discussion from a fellow who has been working on hydrolizers,
breaking water down to hydrogen and oxygen...not the stoichiometric mix
incorrectly called 'Browns' Gas'...it should be RHODES GAS...see;
This fellow has built a 37 cell unit that takes about 2400 Watts to
produce the gases and he's working on a double sized unit. He hopes to
used mixed gases to drive an engine (water as fuel)...he fully
understands that hydrogen ALONE won't provide sufficient thrust or
duration to drive a piston....as Dr. Rhodes said...

--                Jerry W. Decker   /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187