Re: Something you should really examine.

James J. Jiamachello ( (no email) )
Mon, 01 Jan 1996 00:57:24 -0500

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Hex, Bill et al!
> I have a rare videotape by one of what I consider one of the greatest
> crystal experimenters, the late Les Brown of Canada. It took me about
> 8 years to locate this it, Les explains how he thinks >crystals
> work (and which he claims to have proven by experiment), how the
> energy
> can be focussed or spread out by shaped tips...most interesting he
> ties
> it all into pyramidal forms and geometry....
> I transcribed the technical comments from the tape into a file which I
> haven't posted at the KeelyNet site might be available at one
> of
> the lbrown.asc or lbrown.htm

Hi Jerry

Went looking for that file but it was not at elektromagnum or
spiritweb. Would really like to see more about it.

Hope you have time to post it.
