Re: Refrigerator=TIME MACHINE!!

Bob Aldrich ( )
Sat, 12 Jan 1980 00:01:54 -0800

Sorry, no can recall. It was twenty-some years ago. But perhaps it will
jog the memory of some gov. type that was involved, if he isn't dead
from karma by now!


Dr Jones wrote:
> At 22:32 11/01/80 -0800, you wrote:
> >Dr Jones wrote:
> >
> >> > measured because those clocks measure the vibration (or movement) of atoms.
> >> >
> >
> >I read somewhere that time is a temperature. Also that in the Hiroshima
> >bomb blast, time stopped (or maybe it was slowed, I don't recall) for
> >twenty minutes.
> >
> >Bob Aldrich
> >Los Angeles
> That sounds interesting. Can you remember the source?
> Also, how did they know that time stopped/slowed for several minutes?
> Factors such as the resulting EMP, citywide clock calibration etc all ahve
> ssome impact on the final reading.
> However, beyond that, if it is correct, there may be some time effects that
> are brought about on a nuclear level... interesting.
> Dr J