Giving credit where credit is do...

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 15:00:30 -0500

To all on the Keely news-group,

Please take the time to read this latest letter that
I received. Many ask if there is really such a beast
called "SUPPRESSION." To answer this, yes, it rears
its ugly head as I write this letter. This just one
example of how suppression suceeds.

I am posting this letter because I want everyone to know
what kinds of battles that I have to defend from day to day.
The powers that be will not recognize my work, instead the
credit goes to other people who are taking the credit with
not one bit of guilt. These people think that I will gave up
and just away into the work. I may not have a college degree
but my faith and dedication to my research will see me through.
I am a fighter and I will not give up until I succeed in getting
a real working Moray type device into the still free market.


Travis wrote:


I was listening to the radio tonight to a guest named Dr. Eugene
He lives up in your part of the woods and was wondering if you ever had
any dealing with him. He does a lot of work in cold fusion and other
things tlike what you have been working on.

Nothing said about hime exept it looks like he had something that
drifted into obscurity. John Moreland did also get brought up that he
was a great guy and
that he had been doing a lot with the Moray stuff.

Bruce Perreault responds:

* Great, I just love it when Moreland gets the credit for my research.

Travis write:

At the last confranece of International Tesla Conference did a Dr. Paul
have a device that would turn radioactive decay directly into energy?

Bruce Perreault responds:

* Dr. Paul Brown gave a speach on the Direct Conversion of radiation
but he did not have a device to demonstrate.

Tris writes:

He said there was, I thought it was you.

Bruce Perreault writes:

* I was the one who brought the demonstration, it was me!

* Isn't it grand how Ph.D.s will lie and stick together?