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Posted on Aug 21, 2007

[day 49 >> 50] State of the Union

As some would say it is a positive fact we are now being announced in various media around the word, mainly newspapers, radio and news-sites.

So far so good. I'm happy as well, except for the way they are doing it. Some call us 'left orientated' others say we are 'conspiracy theorists'. Again, let me clearly state: We are none of both. We ask an independent investigation. We are worried about so many people calling the 9/11 attacks an 'inside job'. We believe they can't be all crazy. Because there seems to be a religious rally two day after us, supported by right-wing members from all over Europe and the mayor of Brussels appears to be a socialist, are we doomed to be left orientated?

This is really the exact thing we are fighting. Almost all media need to polarize everything. Is it too difficult to just talk about the facts? The mayor denying an anti-islamic protest, and supporting a anti-nothing manifest is a fact. It is a political decision. But making us left, because a left-wing mayor just does his job, is something I prefer to call a conspiracy theory. Another problem is the lack of detailed information. It is the mayor's political responsibility to approve or decline the authorization demands. It is the Police Department that makes the recommendation. A mayor of a city like Brussels, mostly trust his Police Chief Commander. Another one is the mayor denied the fact he had ever heard of us to the newspaper 'De Morgen'. If he was really into our subject, I think he would at least remembered our name, in order to confirm his authorization when a journalist asks him to. And to conclude: we had to wait six full weeks in order to receive authorization. I had to go to three meetings.

Please note this country is without government (with a resigning government though), so I can imagine the mayor doesn't want any riots in his city at this moment. But yes, I am sorry for the other rally. I really am. They have the right to express their opinion as well as we have. This is an attack to the freedom of speech. If only there was a little bit of depolarization, reason and dialogue, I'm sure the cops would explain why they didn't get authorization.

As far as I'm concerned the participators of our rally will consist of pacifists, anarchists, democrats, republicans, right wings, center wings, no wings and left wings, progressives and conformists. Hell, all the boxes you can put people in these days, because we have an important revolution coming up. Because they all understand the problems of this modern time: propaganda via mass media and big money. If money is involved to spread the correct information, if it is involved to create political decisions, if money of all things just can be created by private companies in case of emergency, like they did last week...

I call upon all media and press agencies, networks, channels, stations: please be aware of your responsibility, calm down and forget your market share. In a world where more and more people are called illegals, terrorists, criminals, prisoners, crazy, Al-Qaeda, stupid... we need to realize this madness can't go on for ever. There is a limit making your population walk in line.

I repeat the text from the about section of the website. History repeats itself. Today is no different. We always had inventive dictatorships, and a reaction to that. Whether you like it or not, this revolution will take place. We're still stupid. Our mass communications, mobile phones, plasma TVs and hyper computers didn't help us to avoid the repetition of history. It helped a world wide, about-to-collapse throw away economy, that ruins our planet and lots of peoples lives. Every day, more and more money. Every day, more and more lives. And it certainly helped us to believe that what we needed to believe.

The investigation - not re-investigation - of the events of 9/11/2001 will uncover the top of an iceberg. As the band keeps playing, the cameras keep filming the band, the people keep watching the band on TV, and I am lucky to have found the ones who are already looking for the rescue sloops. Because this Titanic is just like all the others.

The iceberg is closing, let's fix our history before thinking about the future.

See you on 9/9

Julez Edward

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© 2007 9/9 UNITED FOR TRUTH protest rally

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