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Posted on Jul 11, 2007

[day 05] Prof David Ray Griffin

We have now contact with a person close to Professor David Ray Griffin. At this moment it is being arranged to let the Professor come to Brussels, Saturday 8th or Sunday 9th September. We'll keep you posted, but we don't promise anything.

The press-release is now edited by the various volunteers, so it will be send to the translators very soon, probably today or tomorrow. Meanwhile, our list of press contacts is growing. Our greatest concern is to motivate several politicians and artists from around Europe to walk in the mars. The media want to see people who have something to loose, in order to believe we aren't just sick and de-oriented people.

I said many times this is going to be a peaceful demonstration. Yesterday a very kind officer of the Brussels Police Department contacted me. We made an appointment next monday to gather around and discuss the safety of the manifest, the description of the route we will follow, as well as transport and logistic issues. We do not only encourage to bring your camera's, but also bring your children. It is vital for them to learn them stand up for their rights at very early ages. Not only it is good for your children, it also sends a clear message that this is important for our future. Furthermore it can certain protesters or policemen make think twice before using violence.

Again I thank everyone for their mails and phone calls. It is really beautiful to see this growing.

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© 2007 9/9 UNITED FOR TRUTH protest rally

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