Eric's encouragement for people trying to quit smoking:

  I commend your attempt and certainly wish you success.
 If I can just offer some inspirational reminders:
   Consider yourself fighting a noble battle against an evil power and an evil
substance that has enslaved you (probably before you were of a age to
decide).  You are fighting against the weapon of an immoral industry that
manipulated public perception to get you addicted, manipulated dosage to keep
you addicted and manipulated our government to carry on and avoid
responsibility.  Meditate and envision yourself in another 10 years
triumphantly looking back on your victory over the powerful forces of
darkness.  Think of it as exorcising a demon from the depths of hell that has
slithered into your brain, trying to get your money to use to infect others.
Your struggle is a holy one and the stakes are high.
    I want you to do a ritual for me - no for yourself:  The next time you see
an idiotic smoking advertisement (say from Phillip Morris); stand up with with
your hand on your heart, yell, "God Damn you slimy bastards at Phillip Morris -
you tricked me and took thousands of my dollars and many years from life.  Rot
in hell you godless fat shits, you ain't getting any more money from me!".
Needless to say, please calm yourself with out lighting up afterwards. :)
    In conclusion my unseen cyber friend: may you win your struggle for
freedom and also win back years of life, your skin color, your sense of smell,
your self respect, and your image among others.

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[Smoke kills]