How your money goes to Eric Krieg:

1. you give 2000$ to a computer vendor for your PC
2. He gives 1800$ to his supplier
3. who gives 1600$ to the manufacturer
4. who gives 300$ to a chip supplier
5. who gives 250$ to the chip manufacturers
6. who ends up paying an itemized 10$ to my
   company for our share of chip manufacturing equipment.
7. who pays about 1 cent of that to me.

This is based on assumptions of approximate percentages of
cost going "down the finance chain".  But I am an honorable
man and if you are not happy with your computer, just send
a SASE to me at

>>>>>>>>>>. email me for directions   <<<<<<<<<<<<<

and I will gladly refund you the portion of your computer expense
which ends up my way.  I realize this isn't a lot of money, so
if you want to get $5000 from me, just invent a machine which
makes free energy and refer to
for directions.
More posts from the twisted mind of Eric Krieg can
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