Dennis Lee Fleeces the Flock

News update:  Dennis Lee took out a full page ad in the Sept 17 99 USA Today page 15a announcing a 45 city tour to make more claims and pick up more money. This tour is officially from UCSC to promote ITEC - the International Tesla Electric Company  The site at: provides a more rational reponse to the claims of Dennis Lee.  There is also the BWT email list A great review of Lee's Akron and Mansfield shows

The following is an independent account from someone who ran into a cult linked to Lee's:

My experience with Dennis Lee began when following up on a distress call from an old friend in my hometown. Her daughter had become involved in a church group near me and was starting to exhibit some typical cult-like symptoms such as withdrawing from society and her family, suspecting massive governmental conspiracies against her, etc. I agreed to make a visit and check out the group’s overall health (as a layman, mind you – I lay no claim to a theological background!) What I found there gives me reason to seriously worry not only about my friend’s daughter, but the many others that will become involved in this movement if it continues gaining momentum. With this in mind, I would like to relate my experience in the hope that it will help spread the word about what is going on with this group and with Dennis, and help people think before they become captivated by what is admittedly a very appealing message.

My first visit to the group was fairly low-key. The service appeared to be fairly typical of a charismatic-type group, though I did notice a few overtones from the pastor (Charlie) of a strong, overbearing personality. Seemed to leave more of a feeling of "pulling" than "leading". I also found it interesting that the services were being held in Charlie’s house. Making a wild guess at the real estate prices in the area, I would suspect the house to be worth at least $250,000, likely more. Quite a comfortable existence for this "man of God," whatever the figure! There were roughly 30-35 people in attendance, though I was told that on occasion this number swells to around 50.

The service was winding down (after a "healing" session that seemed to get the group even more worked up) when they took an offering. Then Charlie passed around another offering plate and announced that these funds were designated for the church’s Free Energy Machine. "Hmmm," I said, "what in the world is a Free Energy Machine?" I got Charlie’s ear for a few minutes after the service and asked him for some details. He told me that this was a wonderful invention that God had given this group of scientists that would generate free electricity from the air! His son is actually involved with the research group, and they are getting ready to mass-produce these machines and put the electric utilities out of business!

Hmmm… The BS meter is starting to peg out already! I took the audio tapes that Charlie gave me and headed home. Told my friend that I already had some serious reservations, but was willing to look into things a bit further. I went home and fired up my research tool of choice (the Internet) and started digging in! Very early on in the tapes I heard the name Dennis Lee and the name of his latest distribution organization, United Consumer Services of America (UCSA). Searching the Web for information on Dennis gave me a handful of dealer sites (few if any of which mentioned this life-altering Free Energy technology – most seemed to be marketing silent jackhammers and water-powered welders), and Eric Krieg’s site. I did find some fascinating information about different people’s research and attempts at free energy generation, but even some of these people who were attempting work in the same field called Dennis’ integrity into question! I decided I needed more information, and thus returned to the church the following Sunday.

I was in luck! Charlie’s son (Charlie Jr.) was up from New Jersey (home of the BWT research group). Reason being that someone from the Pentagon (unnamed, of course) had called Charlie the previous night and threatened both his and Charlie Jr.’s lives if they did not immediately cease their involvement in the Free Energy project, so Charlie Jr. returned home for "a while." I seized my opportunity to talk with someone who could actually explain the inner workings of this miraculous machine to me! I was in for a disappointment. Turns out that Charlie Jr. holds an office position at BWT, and therefore was unable to tell me any more about the process than others in the group were. Why this job function put him on the Pentagon’s hit list was never quite explained.

Charlie was busy in his living room holding an "anointing" session, so I spoke with some other people in the group hoping they would be able to give me more information. I didn’t learn very much more about the Free Energy machine, but did hear many other amazing stories from these people including:

 After this meeting there was little doubt in my mind as to the direction this group was headed. My largest concern at this point was my friend's daughter and what I could do to help her (and hopefully others) understand the reality of this situation. I called her on the phone and asked her a few questions that I hoped would cause her to start thinking, or at least raise some doubt in her mind. Predictably she called some of Charlie's crew immediately after we hung up and asked them what was going on. They told her that what I had told her was a bunch of lies (their exact words!), and not to worry about it. She of course was feeling sorry for me, since I was refusing to acknowledge the Truth of the Matter, so she called back and told me about a question-and-answer session that Charlie would be holding later that week. I decided that I needed to go to both try and help her and to bring closure in my own mind to the process.

It's a very good thing I decided to attend, as what I learned that night put together quite a few pieces of the puzzle. Charlie started out with an overview of the marketing plan for the Free Energy units. I will attempt to recreate it in as coherent a way as possible:

I asked what I thought were some rather basic questions about the above material as Charlie was presenting it, and was told, "don't worry! The best minds in this country have worked out the details! It all works fine! I've seen it running! We even tried to videotape it, but the tape came out blank! Just like Ron Wyatt's discoveries!" Now, THAT was exactly the name I needed to hear to convince me that this scheme was on the up-and-up!

Bottom line: I presented some interesting facts about Dennis, his prior success rate, and his extensive use of investor funds with no tangible results. I also mentioned the fact that this "invention" appeared to be no more than a reworking of John Gamgee's Zeromotor, which Gamgee was unable to perfect because of that pesky Second Law of Thermodynamics. In response I was told by Charlie that this operation was a "walk of faith," and if I was unwilling to make a step of faith (accept everything he was saying at face value) that I should leave.

I left.

I received an email from my friend this morning. She said that Charlie has declared me to be "unsaved" and "under demonic impression." (So THAT'S what those little voices in my head are!) I'm still hoping that somehow I can do something to help get her daughter out of the group before it spirals out of control, but am honestly unsure how to proceed at this point. My hope in telling this story is that people may learn the reality behind this situation before hearing the very positive, sugar-coated portion of it presented behind the pulpit. It is perhaps inevitable that a community based upon faith will be taken in from time to time by people that twist words and ideas to their own benefit, but I still find the ones who prey upon these people utterly disgraceful. Perhaps if we spread the word quickly enough we can keep these groups from doing as much damage as they otherwise might. 

for more information see:  Eric's Page examining Dennis Lee's amazing claims of Better World Technology
or get on the email list for updates: ONElist E-mail Communities

"A more self-willed, self-satisfied, or self-deluded class of the community, making at the same time pretension to a superior knowledge, it  would be impossible to imagine.  They hope against hope, scorning all opposition, with ridiculous vehemence, although centuries have not advanced them one step in the way of progress."  -  Henry Dircks (1806-73)

The following is a summary of the Michigan show from Aug 11:

Dennis Lee Free Energy show, August 11 2001   Flint, MI

About 100 people or so (didn’t count) in the lobby of the Riverfront Character Inn, downtown Flint. Signs pointed the way to the Tesla Technology show. (Also had wedding in other part of hotel)

Chatted with a few people about the show, most seemed to want to find out more about Free Electricity, etc. Apparently Dennis Lee had advertised in the local paper.

Dennis Lee’s helpers where at the desk in front of conference room registering people to attend the show, selling his book, "The Alternative" for $19.  A 50ish man with graying beard seemed to be the main registrar. (wonder if that is Mike Hall?)

 Doors opened about 7:00pm and we found seats after looking at the equipment on stage. (Note: no real "stage" at this venue, just raised section of the floor) The Sundance generator was on the right side and lawnmower with bottle attached, small horizontal shaft engine,  pinwheels made with clear plastic cylinders and magnets, Brown’s Gas welder, Tesla Coils, florescent light bulb, metal stovepipe type device, kitchen range, motor with blower, etc.  Thick wires going out back to 3 phase generator, Kohler 120/208 VAC three phase, 120/240VAC single phase. Dennis had video cameraman taking pictures that could be seen on television monitors on left and right sides, also had front projection monitor. It was a little darker than I liked for pictures. I advised them to get floodlights for next venue if it wasn’t better lighted.

Dennis Lee started talking about how in 5 years we can stop all pollution in the United States. Can run cars on water, and make Free Electricity with no pollution.  Dennis says he is NOT going to show device that outputs more energy than input, but it has other source of energy input from permanent magnets, instead of just the electrical power input.  Claims to run engine on 80% water and 20% gasoline, has furnace that runs on fumes from septic tank, generator that is over 100% efficient, can make water flow uphill, cut steel with flame from water, run lawnmower engine with no exhaust, it just recirculates.

"The Earth has been traveling through space at 78,000 MPH for eons and will continue, so that is sample of Perpetual Motion". Permanent magnets  stick to refrigerator for years, so they must have energy inside"
"Cars are perpetual motion machines if you keep gasoline in them".  Dennis Lee’s definition of "Perpetual Motion" is different than scientists.

If nobody told us about these technologies, we would never know what we are missing.

Dennis Lee says he’s so smart he can solve a Rubik’s Cube in less than 30 seconds, so asks for volunteer to take the Rubik’s cube and twist it anyway they want. But it’s rigged cube with only 4 blocks and only twists one way, as joke.  (Someone should bring real Rubik’s Cube to show just to bluff Dennis Lee)

Dennis talks about free enterprise, how he went to prison for two years for demonstrating "Free Electricity"  machine back in 1987.  So he doesn’t want to do that again until there are enough witnesses to keep it from being suppressed. But he did good in prison, inventing 17 devices in the machine shop there.

Nobody knows exactly how the GEET reactor transforms the fuel with the thunderstorm/plasma inside but many scientists have studied it. (didn’t give any names) The car or GEET reactor rod, has to be aligned with magnetic north for first 40 minutes of running to get the reactor broken in for the type of fuel used.

They mix up jar of gasoline, water, Coca-Cola, Tobasco Sauce, sugar, salt, urine, after-shave, etc. and start the small engine. It runs less than a minute and Dennis Lee holds white handkerchief over the exhaust and puts his face near the exhaust to show how clean it is.

Someone stole the bicycle with the flat proof tires at this show, so he can’t show it too us.
(too bad, I really wanted to see it. My guess is tires are soft and ride slow. Might be useful for industrial bike so it doesn’t get flats from metal debris, but would not ride nice like pneumatic tires.

Dennis has magnetic top that spins for several minutes. Young boy from audience spins it also.

Dennis spins the magnetic pinwheels and they spin one way, then slow down and other one speeds up, etc. for a couple minutes. (Fun toy made with magnets all having same pole facing out. )

Had ramp with magnets along it, golf ball rolled down the slight ramp, but a steel ball rolled up. BUT they grabbed the ball at the end and placed it back at start. I want them to build a track so the ball returns to start by itself. THAT WOULD BE IMPRESSIVE!

The septic tank GEET furnace has to be aligned with magnetic north and the top of the flame is 200 Farenheit but the bottom is 32 degrees. Furnace should be ready for winter 2001/2002. Can be used for heat and air conditioning.  Should work with family of four.

5KW GEET generator can be run indoors with no pollution.

Dennis gets the "Water Gas" (Brown’s Gas) welder going and show how the flame can burn through steel, yet you can pass your hand through it. 10KW input power to welder, but Dennis says it’s only 17 cents per hour to run it. Temperature of flame adjusts to the melting temperature of the material it’s in contact with. Aluminum melts at 900 Farenheight, copper 1800, fire brick 5000, tungsten sublimates at 13,000 degrees the same temperature as the sun. Dennis can hold the tungsten rod in his hand while one end is white hot but the other end is cold, because the flame is an "atomic reaction". Scientist from Bringham Run University (spelling?) said so.  Dennis asked scientists what the gaseous state of water is and they said steam, but Dennis said that’s the VAPOR state, the GASEOUS state of water is Hydrogen and Oxygen.

The flame is yellow when just burning in the air, but did get white when the tungsten was in the flame. Aluminum plate got wet from the flame condensing on it. 1 liter of water makes 2000 liters of Watergas.
Cuts through some steel plate and cut is clean, shows film cutting 7 inch thick steel plate. Runs engine from the "Watergas" and air.

Water flows up into chamber after it’s filled with stochiometric mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, then ignited with a spark to make a vacuum. Balloon filled with gas floats up, later popped when it got to close to electric lights in ceiling.

Dennis says that he can "transmutate" radioactive material to make it harmless by mixing it with water and hydrochloric acid and putting it in device to electrolyze it for 30 minutes. He doesn’t know how it works but it does. Take 1 gram of strontium in some water, measures the background radiation level first as 56 rads for 5 minutes or 11 rads per minute. (probably millirads) The strontium solution measures 122 rads for 5 minutes or 24.2 rads per minute. After 30 minutes, the radiation level was 62.5 rads for 5 minutes or 12.4 rads per minute.
Says that a university laboratory can test the solution after the test and find trace elements that where not there before the electrolysis. Asks someone from the audience to take the sample with them for testing. Also will loan the university the device if they want to test it themselves.

Dennis claims the US government has radioactive waste sites at Richland, Washington and other locations around the US. Need constant circulation of cooling water. If it failed, the entire North American continent could become a nuclear wasteland. But the government doesn’t want to destroy the radioactive material since they can use it for bombs. "That is why they won’t use Dennis Lee’s /BWT device to "transmutate" the radioactive waste and neutralize it."

Shows 1hp AC motor running from 9 volt transistor radio battery, but it only ran a minute and was only turning a hundred RPM or so with no load. (I tried to examine the motor closely after the show but they didn’t want me to touch it. Admittedly they don’t want their devices damaged, but I just wanted to see exactly how it was wired or if a small DC motor had been installed inside housing.)

Dennis drops a magnet down the copper cylinder and it falls slower, then drops "special magnet" (neodymium) down the cylinder and it falls and tumbles very slowly. See picture on video display from mirror on top of cylinder at 45 degrees.

Blower motor was tested without the "motor brain" to save power, it used 115 VAC, 5.5 amps, 320 watts. With the "motor brain" connected the motor used 70 volts, 3.75 amps and 240 watts. When the intake was covered, motor only used 60 watts. But motor directly connected to 115VAC used 230 watts.  Dayton motor rated ¼ HP 120VAC 6.3Full Load Amps.

Dennis claims it’s a conspiracy between electric company and motor company to keep this suppressed so they can sell more electricity and motor company can sell motors when they burn up from all the heat.

The "tank circuit" can save power since Alternating Current has to resonate back and forth through your power meter, making you pay for it each time. But the tank circuit resonates with motor instead. Motor used 16.5 amps without device, but only 6.5 amps when tank circuit was used.

Kepler Bouy can make 2.5 million gallons of fresh water a year in the ocean by reverse osmosis powered by wave action.

"Neutrino Circuit" shown on videotape, allegedly can light 25 watt 110 volt bulb with no external power needed. One rod has 93 elements and other rod has 94 elements so it collects energy from "neutrinos"

"Tornado Engine" shown on videotape, allegedly can output 1400 HP from 175 pound turbine engine and they can make it 5500 HP. That could be used to run 8ft square Sundance generator outputing 500KW or two together on trailer output 1Megawatt.

Fire Barrier spray can make clothing fire resistant to 3000 degrees. Fire Shaker is siliconized baking soda so it won’t cake up in damp weather or even if water is added. Can put out any type of fire, even engine fires. Fire Sentry is placed over the stove top burners and when the pan starts on fire, it gets hot then releases the powder to put out the flame, BUT doesn’t stop the gas flame from burning, so your house won’t fill up with natural gas.  Shown on videotape.

Fire proof blanket has water inside and can protect what it covers from flame. Can be placed on roof of nearby homes to keep fire from spreading or can protect someone from fire to escape.

Laundry Magnets cost $60 and last for many years, can replace detergent by ionizing water to make molecules smaller, like detergent does, but without the pollution or cost to keep buying detergent.

Hydroweed: absorbs upto 15 times it’s weight in oil, but won’t release it. That is why EPA and oil spill recovery groups don't use it. They want to recover the oil for money.

Plastic drain trap can be disassembled to clean out clogs or recover objects dropped down drain.

Bandit Fog Machine can protect against burglaries since it fills the room with fog in under a minute so thief can’t see. (wonder how it works with a blind thief? ;-)

Ecostove fan runs from the heat of wood stove to spread the heat around.

Mosquito Magnet can trap mosquito or other biting insects for one acre.

Y2K lamp can run 8 hours on a charge, florescent lamps outputs equivalent of 60 watt incadascent.

Sonic Bloom can make plants grow much better by playing music and spraying fertilizer on the plants. Corn can grow 17 foot tall with foot & half long ears of corn, 500 tomatoes on one plant, etc.
Dennis said farmers can get free sample to try on one acre.

Oil Munchers, microbes can eat oil and clean up old oil stains on concrete three inches deep or clean up grease pits, etc.

BWT sealant can make gravel roads dust free or can make dirt and gravel into bricks, etc.

Explosion proof mesh can make gas tanks explosion proof, only uses up 2% of tank volume.

Dennis Lee invited congress and the president, even said SHE could bring her husband Bill to demonstration of Free Electricity machines in 1996. He also sent them a videotape demonstrating it. Dennis  told congress to deregulate the electric companies in 1996 or he would start making the Negawatt circuit that can make power meters go backwards, etc. So congress deregulated electric companies so that homeowners could sell power back to the grid.

Dennis doesn’t worship any man or government, just GOD. The 50 Republics of the United States should be able to do what they want without excessive Federal regulations. Talks about Libertarian values and how we need to keep government from controlling us or telling us what to think and keeping free enterprise suppressed.

Anyone can see if a light bulb is lit with no outside power wires, etc. so we don’t need scientists saying it’s impossible to have "Free Energy".   Scientific "experts" said that the earth was flat, that you can never get heavier than air machine to fly, even while eating duck. ?  Alexander Graham Bell was arrested for selling telephones since "expert" said it was impossible to talk on wires. God shows us if we look, God inspires inventions, that scientists say are impossible. "If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is true" says Dennis Lee. The telephone, computer, television, fax machine, automobile, airplane, etc all sounded "too good to be true" when they where invented.

Dennis doesn’t want to hurt the economy by making the electric utilities obsolete overnight, so wants to introduce the new technology slowly. He didn’t bring the Hummingbird motor since that was demonstrated on the last tour in 1999, and if he had both together, then the authorities might seize them. He claims that many scientists had chance and examined the Hummingbird motor in 1999, but no names given.

Wayne Cockron is introduce as expert on three phase power and he talked about how he made three phase converter to power his shop equipment from single phase power input to shop.  He did the measuring, but I didn’t chat with him to find out more afterwards.

Then the Sundance generator was demonstrated, allegedly outputs 30KW. It’s belt driven by conventional 20hp Baldor three phase motor 240/480VAC. The 3phase power came from Kohler diesel generator parked behind the building. When the motor was started I measured the input current as 60 amps on all three phase wires, 0 amps on neutral. But didn’t measure the voltage. They used their meter and claimed that it was 23.5KW input power to motor, the output power was 17.9KW or 76% efficient. Their meter was supposed to be able to calculate three phase power from three separate measurements, but I didn’t watch too closely. I was near the back measuring the current at the splice/connectors where the wires where plugged in. I measured the output current and it was 36 amps on a couple phase wires but 13 amps on another (might have been the neutral?) going into 50KW load bank. I didn’t measure the voltage since that is requires getting close to live terminals, etc. with them around. Didn’t want to make them mad or get hurt/electrocuted if I got in the way.

Dennis claims that the Sundance generator is over 100% efficient and can be repaired in the field while running by removing a defective coil, out of thirty, each producing 1KW and replacing it. (I didn’t examine the Sundance generator closely enough to figure out exactly how it was wired)  But the motor is probably better than 76% efficient, especially at full load. 20HP is only 746 watts X 20 = 14,920 watts. Wonder if they accurately measured the power and computed the three phase power factor, etc. Three phase is the square root of three, (1.73) times the voltage or current on one winding, depending on if it’s wired "WYE" or "DELTA"
Since the "Free Electricity" machine outputs 30KW X 24 hours X 365 days = 262,800KWH per year, minus two users of 26,000 KWH = 210,800KWH per year to sell at 5cents = $10,540 per year income for each machine for Tesla Electric Company. Cost to build Hummingbird motor, Sundance generator and switch gear to connect to grid is $9000.  When the machines start getting installed, then the cost to register will be $1000 and you can get 9 people to register for Free Electricity machines, so that will pay for your machine. You need to get in early while registering is still free.  (NOTE: TESLA ELECTRIC OWNS THE MACHINES, YOU JUST GET TO USE UP TO 26,000 KWH PER YEAR. EVEN IF MACHINE IS NOT PLACED AT YOUR LOCATION, TESLA ELECTRIC WILL PAY YOUR ELECTRIC BILL AND MAKE MONEY FROM MACHINE INSTALLED SOMEWHERE ELSE.)

Then came the demonstration of how Tesla sent power through the air. Dennis claims that Nikola Tesla sent 2000 Kilowatts 26 miles through the air and ground with 99.9% efficiency. He challenges anyone who can do as well today using conventional wires. (BUT what proof  is there that Nikola Tesla sent 99.9% of the 2000KW 26 miles? That requires instrumentation that is accurate to 0.1% back in early 20th century.

So Big Mike turns on the power to one Tesla coil on right side of stage, Dennis stand near the Tesla coil on left side and has ground wire with him. The florescent bulb glows when he gets near coil. BUT not at normal full brightness. Dennis claims that "Dielectricity" is opposite normal electricity and travels through insulators like air, but doesn’t make an electromagnetic field like conventional electricity. Claims that you can’t detect "Dielectricity" as it passes through the air. (now if the coil radiates power in all directions, how can all the power be transferred to the receiving coil(s)?  (You can light florescent bulb under high voltage transmission lines)

Dennis Lee and Tesla Electric Company want to get 1.6 million people signed up for Free Electricity to act as witnesses. When they get them all signed up, then they will install 100 Hummingbird Motor and Sundance generators, two in each of the 50 states and invite everyone to see them all at same time. He describes how the 16,000 to 64,000 people at 100 locations simultaneously around the USA can’t be ignored by the media or suppressed. But he describes how it might make a mess of your yard if that many people showed up. ?    (Realistically, you can’t accommodate that many people without major planning.) (Need restroom facilities, food, water, parking, etc. I know from bicycle tours with 1000 riders or so how crowded rest stops can be)

The show finally had a break around 11:30 pm. Then Dennis Lee got around to business. ? They want to get 1.6 million people signed up for Free Electricity machines. The regular UCSA dealers haven’t been able to do it for the past two years so now Dennis Lee is back on tour.

He want people to join the NASDAC, North American Special Discount Associate’s Club. You join for $15 to get signed up for free electricity and to get discounts on BWT/UCSA products. After the first $60 you spend, like the magnetic laundry balls, you get your $15 back. If you register as "Recruiter/Sponsor" then all the people you sign up will get you commission of 10% of what they buy in UCSA/BWT products. If and when the Free Electricity machines are introduced, you will get a commission from the electricity sold, so you can make up to $1300 per year for each person you get to sign up. Possible to get 700 people registered under your name and you can get churches and non-profit 501C groups signed up and make commission from them also. Possible to make $1 million a year for rest of your life.  "THIS IS NOT MULTI LEVEL MARKETING"  (GEE, what is it? ?)

Show finally was ending about midnight and I saw people filling out forms at the desk.

I was somewhat skeptical to people who asked me. But didn’t pass out any flyers etc. Perhaps I should have to make some of them think before investing. I should have found the local Michigan dealer at show but didn’t want to be too nosy.  Guess $15 wasted isn’t too bad to for them to learn a lesson.


Review of Dennis's appearance in South Carolina



I got the following for open posting:

Dear Eric:

I went to the Dennis Lee show on November 3, 2001, in Columbia, SC.

The pitch du jouir included:

Paul Pantone's 3 HP GEET demonstrator unit with no references to the GEET
name other than the label on the unit from Paul's shop.

Dennis conjectured that since GEET will run on 20% gasoline and 80% water
this would increase your gas mileage 5 times.

While Dennis was selling the classic GEET style unit demonstration by running
the unit on gasoline, water, pickle juice, urine, A-1, whatever. We informed
him from the floor his demonstration wasn't a fair test of the unit, because
the "bubbler," (a fuel water separator on steroids) allows the light
consumable hydrocarbons to vaporize off the top, and leave the crap safely
undisturbed on the bottom. We also pointed out that if you really wanted to
test the consumption of the crap, (we were personally pegging the meter in
crap consumption) he should run the bubbler until all the liquid is consumed.
He suddenly wanted to move on and said he had better stuff in the show. He
claims that the dealers in NJ have run the motor until all of the crap was
consumed, and we could call them later. I suggested to his roadies that he
call the car running on urine a Pissmaypullu.

He gave the standard GEET "mysterious lightning bolts around the reactor rod"
line. He explained tuning the engine as "point the engine to the North and
tune the reactor rod with a compass to the harmonics or something of the fuel
you are using." We had duplicated the unit earlier with a model airplane
carburetor in line so you could see through the venturi down the mysterious
reactor rod. The reactor rod clinks around like a rod of steel in a piece of
black pipe. Dennis needs to try hooking the mysterious Tesla coil to the
mysterious reactor to get the pretty lightning bolts in the reactor chamber.
I don't think he will try this because it might make the whole unit start
consuming energy. We have proven you can get a much more efficient vapor
carburetor if you install a simple heat exchanger on the exhaust pipe feeding
the intake through the center of the line, and abandoning getting "the rod"
altogether. It is my contention that getting "the rod" of the reactor is
similar to Charlie Doyle's account of Dennis getting "the shaft" of the free
energy device.

He did the standard GEET signature "closed circuit lawn mower." We had
demonstrated this at home with a modified version of one of Paul Pantone's
demonstrator units. After the engine has run for a while semi-closed
circuit, the strain of the new arrangement of the motor "cracks" the intake
gaskets or pipe fittings (mysterious thermal catalytic cracking) enough to
allow sufficient air to leak to keep the thing going. The leaking air path
can be shown with smoke placed near the cracks. A real test of the unit
would be demonstrated by running it in a closed chamber of a non combustible
gas, or better yet under water for the entire show.

He had a GEETish style unit installed on a van on a trailer. <see attached>
"Credit where credit is due" his roadies managed to build this unit between
shows on the road.

The GEETish van is an unlicensed (by GEET, and the state DMV) <see attached>
350 chevy paint van, that they tow from show to show on a trailer, and is
available for inspection at the end of the show. It feeds water and gasoline
into the GEET signature bubbler, and demonstrates that the water stays safely
undisturbed in the bottom of the chamber. They had added a perforated plate
on the bottom to further aid gravity in keeping the water on the bottom.
Although no one would make any specific claim about that van and its mileage
I am confident that the unit gets great gas mileage while being towed on a
trailer from show to show.

Dennis kept the troops greatly amused with a good story of how that
technology could stop terrorism, because somebody, long since threatened and
beaten into silence by "the conspiracy" had run a Leer-Jet on "water" in
front of the government *Personal Note: "water"="hydrogen gas" + "oxygen"
right! Think how safe jets would be running on "water." Dennis neglected to
point out that the "Hindenburg" kind of blew up because the same "water" that
makes the Brown's Gas balloon float kind of blows up, or implodes or
something when ignited. I'm not worried because I think you can line the
jets "water" tanks with the explosion proof mesh that Dennis also sells. This
had me in sensory overload on the true nature of water. I went back later
and sorted it out. Please see attached "A Treatise on Water."

Most of the other BWT standard fare was demonstrated with the same problems
pointed out by the observer at the Akron Show. *Note: The red scan line
burned in their video projector by the voltage drop is still there.

The motor generator <See attached> to Dennis's credit was tested under the
following conditions.

An open invitation to attach your meter.
At the input of the supply bus with both current and voltage on a cumulative
watt-hour meter being read.
At the output of the generator with both current and voltage on a cumulative
watt-hour meter being read under load.

The generator had nice accessibility, and modular field coils that could be
replaced while it was running. This feature was actually impressive.

Then Dennis' math got screwy. He took the input-output figures and came up
with a total input-output ratio of 70% for the total motor-generator
combination. He then concluded since the motor was boiler-plated by the
manufacturer at 70% efficient the generator was running at near 100%. He
then got as mystical, and screwy with his physics, and said that one of two
possibilities existed. The hypothetical combo not yet put together may be
over unity, but he didn't think so, or it is harnessing the free magnetism
out of the air.

He then concluded with the conjecture; imagine if I took one of the "one unit
in five units out motor" I demonstrated two years was hooked to this 100%
efficient generator what would you have? My thought is "boat ballast." Then
Dennis proceeded to beat the old "I released my technology 13 years ago, and
I got thrown in prison without a trial" routine. The "big time lawyer" that
sold Dennis up the river must have neglected to tell him that you don't a
trial if you waive your rights a plead guilty to some of the charges.

He told us earlier He liked prison, and that it gave him time to develop his
ideas supervising the prison machine shop, with a crew of other convicts. He
had lots of free time to write his book. It might have given him lots of
time to share stories with all the other convicts on how innocent and
oppressed everyone was up there in prison. Most of his admiring crowd
clapped. I got to admit the prospect of him returning to his research lab,
and machine shop at prison made my heart jump with glee too. For a man who
liked prison he did an admirable job of qualifying his statements to avoid
going back there.

The pitch was: We are going to simultaneously hypothetically unveil, on July
4, 2002, two of these units per state on the front lawn of the first of you
to sign up for free power. This will be done nationwide so there are enough
witnesses to keep Dennis from going back to the prison he likes so much. The
first nine of your buddies will also get free power but for a one time fee of
$1000.00. The rest of us unbelievers will pay for the machines, at 5 cents a
kilowatt hour. If Dennis reads this e-mail I will probably get cut off
Dennis Lee's new tightly held personal monopoly on the power grid. This is
OK because I have my own free energy device. <see attached>

The high current draw devices. Brown's Gas Machine (50 amps), and the shows'
climax "a big motor generator" (incredible gobs and gobs of amps) are run by
a nice quiet Kohler 100 kW generator parked out back. <See attached> this is
a very expensive piece of equipment for a man who is pitching free energy
machines. Dennis, to his credit only rents the generator for now, so I am
sure that when Dennis releases the free-energy machine on July 4, 2002, those
of us who are not on the insiders on his one person non-conspiratorial
complete monopoly on the new power system, will have to resort to renting the
machine he no longer needs. Lets pray that the load of his show doesn't burn
the windings of that diesel generator until we really need it. Until then it
really seems to burn a lot of fuel because it was shut down when it wasn't
needed to produce all of that almost free energy.

Our state, South Carolina, is one of the states with one of those corrupt
Attorney Generals that suppress free power. South Carolina due to all of the
good-old-boys has a law that requires a "dealership" dealers to post a
$50,000 bond to do business. Our Attorney General was highly instrumental a
couple of years ago in removing video poker from the state. Our AG has a bad
history of suppressing consumer friendly business like video poker, and
free-energy shows. Dennis said he wasn't going to pay the bond, so he didn't
sell distributorships on the floor that night.

He also didn't charge any fees, or deposits to sign up for the hypothetical
free power machine. He will however return to New Jersey with a nice list of
like-minded people to call on later. After all that 100 kW diesel generator,
doesn't run on thin air and water you know.

Sid Hagen

A Treatise on Water


Sidney Dean Hagen
with thanks to Dennis Lee


I recently attended a Dennis Lee seminar on new technologies. During this seminar, Dennis through various demonstrations, lectures and actions greatly increased my knowledge of an amazing substance. I have naively used this substance all of my life without really understanding its amazing physical properties. This substance is common ordinary household water.


Dennis before the entertainment brought out a pitcher of water and poured himself a glass of water. During the next five hours of the lecture he drank this water to clear his throat. Dennis had seemed to be unconcerned when he drank the water. While the water was uncovered it stayed in the glass.

Dennis bragged on his plan to create absolutely pollution free power with his demonstration of the GEET style motor with a concoction of stuff including water, gasoline, crude oil, A-1 steak sauce, urine, and other neat stuff. He conjectured that since he could run a car on 20% gasoline, and 80% water he could take a 20 m.p.g. car and make it a 100 m.p.g. car. I concluded from this that either
a. The water was as combustible as the gasoline or
b. The force of the unburned water flying out the orifices of the car propelled the car forward resulting in the increase in mileage.
1. This is not true because I urinated out my car window and did not notice an increase in gas mileage.
2. My car has a decrease in mileage when the air conditioner is running, and dripping condensed water.

Dennis told us that a water combustion engine would last twice as long as gasoline because of its lack of carbon build up.

Dennis demonstrating the Brown's gas machine showed the combustibility of water by cutting a piece of steel with water. Dennis filled a balloon with water from the Brown's gas machine, and it floated to the ceiling. Dennis showed us the mysterious exclusive property of the water in the cutting flame because the water knew the melting point of each of the metals he was cutting, and adjusted its temperature to match the melting point. Dennis showed us that water can be as hot as the sun when he sublimated a piece of tungsten with the water of the flame. Dennis imploded the water in the chamber of water and showed us that the imploding water made the water rise in the chamber of water thus water flows uphill when surrounded with water in its implosive state. Dennis later exploded the water in the Brown's gas engine as it was running. I conjectured that the water was exploding in the Brown's gas engine because imploding water would suck the piston back to the top dead center on the power stroke and stop.

Dennis demonstrated the laundry balls, which are finite enough to fit in your washer but infinite enough some say to run forever when combined with water.

Dennis appealed to our sense of loss, and outrage at the conspiracy which suppressed the technology which allowed the senseless tragedy of the recent terrorist attacks. Dennis told us of a brave but naive scientist that ran a Leer-Jet all over town on nothing but water. The naive soul was unaware of the dangers of demonstrating this idea to government agencies who are a part of the big conspiracy. He was later beaten within an inch of his life, and told that he would be dead next time he dared to run an engine on water. He was not available for comment at that show. My conjecture is that the conspiracy assassinated him with an exploding glass of water.

Physical Properties of Water.

1. Water is edible.
Demonstrated when Dennis drank it.

2. Water neutralizes toxins.
Demonstrated when Dennis, a self proclaimed Captain Planet, left most of the water and toxins completely untouched after momentarily running the GEET engine. I conclude that Dennis must have to dump out the water and toxins if he plans to repeat the demonstration at the next show. Captain Planet would never dump untreated toxins on the ground, so the water must neutralize toxins.

3. Water is cool.
Demonstrated when Dennis drank it.

4. Water is hot.
Demonstrated when Dennis got the flame as hot as the sun.

5. Water is combustible.
Demonstrated in the GEET engine and the Brown's gas engine.

6. Water is noncombustible.
Demonstrated when Dennis drank it. He didn't scream "Everyone run, I'm drinking a glass of water, and might implode or explode me." This is also demonstrated because you don't see signs which say "Extinguish all Smoking Materials: Water." He further demonstrated this property by this conjecture of a water powered jet hitting the side of a building and extinguishing flames.

7. Water is lighter than air.
Demonstrated by the balloon on the Brown's gas machine.

8. Water is heavier than air.
Demonstrated by water staying uncovered in the glass through the show.

9. Water is heavier than Dennis.
Demonstrated by the fact that Dennis didn't float when he drank the water.

10. Water implodes.
Demonstrated when Dennis imploded the water in the chamber of water.

11. Water explodes.
Demonstrated when Dennis exploded the water in the GEET engine, and Brown's Gas Engine.

12. Water is intelligent.
Demonstrated by its knowledge of the melting point of all metals it cuts, or sublimates, and its uncanny ability to match that temperature. Water is much more intelligent than a thermos bottle, which only knows how to keep coffee generally hot in the winter, and lemonade generally cold in the summer. Water knows the exact temperature of each metal it cuts or sublimates.

13. Water is more intelligent than Acetylene.
Demonstrated by the fact that the water in the Brown's gas machine exclusively knows the melting point of the metal it is cutting. Acetylene must have failed metallurgy.

14. Water's intelligence can be transferred.
Demonstrated when Dennis drank the water, and knew the melting point of the metals he cut.

15. Water's intelligence is not always transferred.
I drank the water, but I do not know the temperature of the metals I cut.

16. Water is a great oxidizer.
Demonstrated because the finite laundry balls can do an infinite amount of stain removal when combined with water. Water must oxidize the stains.

17. Water will not oxidize metal.
Demonstrated by the long life of the GEET engine. Water must not corrode the rings, pistons, cylinders, or valves.

18. Water is unstable.
Demonstrated by the many states of water listed above.

19. Water's physical properties are controlled by Dennis.
Dennis demonstrated that he was able to control the properties of water at his whim during the show.

20. Water's physical properties are not controlled by some of us.
Demonstrated by my inability to reproduce combustible, implosive, and non oxidizing water.

Further thoughts.

I wrestled with apparent contradiction of combustible, and noncombustible water, and how it could have changed the outcome of the tragedy of September 11, 2001. (Note: I am not making light of this terrible tragedy, but this was Dennis's example.) and concluded:

a. The plane must be ignited and flown with combustible water. If the water were in the noncombustible state, and acting as a fire retardant it would have extinguished the flame of combustion, and the plane wouldn't have gotten off of the ground. Worse yet if unstable combustible water was used, and the water switched properties in mid flight to its noncombustible state the plane would have crashed, but extinguished its own flames.

b. The plane must use noncombustible water to extinguish flames when it crashes. Combustible water would explode on impact. Using Dennis' example of the proportional increase in gas mileage in the GEET engine, I have concluded that combustible water is equal in explosiveness to gasoline, which is greater that jet fuel. A plane exploding with combustible water would be worse than a plane exploding with jet fuel.

c. Water is a dangerous fuel. Since water is highly unstable (combustible, explosive, oxidizing, lighter than air, controlled by Dennis) one minute, and (noncombustible, implosive, non-oxidizing, heavier than air, uncontrolled by me) the next, it is undesirable as a jet fuel. Unless of course water exhibits its property of intelligence, and knows what state it is supposed to be in, at the moment it is needed for flying or crashing. Since Dennis controls the physical properties of water, he needs to be on all planes at the same time. Perhaps the pilot should drink the plane's water, and then he would have the same control of the water's physical properties, as Dennis does. Since the connection is not transferred to all of us the pilot should check as a part of the preflight inspection if he can control the physical properties of water like Dennis, and make a decision to use it or not.

d. If the pilot can not control the properties of the water he could switch the water in mid flight. The pilot could take off and fly the plane with combustible water, and just before impact, jettison the tank of combustible water, and switch to a tank of noncombustible water. As the pilot jettisons the combustible water he needs to check the water's buoyancy to determine if it is lighter than air, in which case he should vent it out the top of the plane or heavier than air in which case he needs to vent it out the bottom of the plane. He should also check to see if the water is implosive, in which case it should be ignited as it is vented, or explosive in which case it should not be ignited. In anticipation of the fact that the situation may not allow the pilot time to test the properties of the water the ground crew should separate the water into the following storage tanks.

1. Noncombustible water. (Used for crashing)
2. Combustible, lighter than air, explosive water (Which should be vented out the top of the plane and not ignited).
3. Combustible, heavier than air, explosive water (Which should be vented out the bottom of the plane and not ignited).
4. Combustible, lighter than air, implosive water (Which should be vented out the top of the plane and ignited).
5. Combustible, heavier than air, implosive water (Which should be vented out the bottom of the plane and ignited).


Since water

1. Is highly unstable.
2. Is controlled by Dennis (who cannot be on all planes at the same time).
3. Adds a great labor factor to the pilot who must determine which tanks to jettison where.

I suggest that you not use water as a jet fuel.

Dennis may label me as part of the conspiracy suppressing this new technology, but at least he doesn't control me as he controls the properties of water.