Eric's Word test last updated 1/99

The following are a bunch of words I've seen in different publicationsI frequent. In an effort to check their real meaning (the dictionary oftenlags real usage) and to see if they are really used - i ran them againsta bunch of people of better verbal skills than I.

capital letters are used to imply accent. The trailing notation lists abbreviationsfor where I saw the word used: t- Time inky- Philly Inquirer h- Harpersus - US News and World Report SI- Skeptical Inquirer

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Eric Krieg word quiz Summer 94

m'etier MA tyA field of work, forte newsweek middling medium,moderate average us news
  • myrmidon mythical warlike people mindless following insite
  • nabe slang movie theater inky
  • parvenu Par va Noo one who suddenly obtains money us news
  • pas de deux dance by two persons t -arts
  • Per Curiam opinion of whole court inky -legal notice
  • piquant PE kent agreeably pungent, stimulating t
  • poetasting po et ast er inferior poet us news
  • pointe pwant Fr. on extreme toe tip t -arts
  • posse comitatus people called to help preserve peace insite
  • praxis practice (not theory) application knowledge
  • probity integrity, honesty
  • prosody study of poetic meters
  • quotidian daily, commonplace, regular (report) t -arts
  • raffish mildly disreputable, rakish, nonconformist t -arts
  • rebarbative causing annoyance or aversion
  • recondite Rek en DIte having difficult subject matter us news
  • recused to object or challenge, reject one inky -legal notice
  • rejiggernig to modify in unethical way t
  • renminbi in r. inky
  • reprise FR restart t
  • rescissions act of making void bottom line
  • sallow pale sickly yellowish color
  • sangfroid san fraw cold bloodedness t
  • saraband vigorous spanish castenent dance t
  • sheeny slang offensive -jew (or shinny) h
  • solicitude state of being anxious or concerned t
  • sotto voce So tO VOchE in a soft voice (secretive) inky
  • sphexism free inquiry
  • spoor trail of a wild animal funny times
  • suasion advising, persuasion us news
  • suborn saBorn bribe inky -legal notice
  • sui generis of its own kind, unique t
  • surcease desist, cease t
  • sylphlike slender graceful (legendary) girl US news
  • synecdoche siNekdakE part used for whole -symbol t
  • threnodies elegiac, distich salubrious dirge us news
  • travertine a kind of limestone deposited by hot spring smithsonian
  • trice 1. a moment 2. to pull with a rope US news
  • trope a rhetorical device -words outside literal t
  • truculent fierce, cruel brutal vitriolic far side
  • untrammeled unfettered, unhindered time
  • vox populi voice of the people
  • wend wander, to purse ones way US news
  • wheedling to to beguile via flattering words newsweek
  • wisteria climbing shrub with bright flowers newsweek
  • wizened withered, shriveled inky
  • special calibration quiz

    These are words from someone else's test I used just to see where I actuallystand among people who were using my list
  • anaphorism -repetition in demagoguery
  • augean
  • de rigueur
  • dictum
  • eclat n. aClA
  • egregious
  • faux pas
  • glomming
  • hagiography
  • hegemony
  • ideology
  • patois
  • perfidy
  • plethora
  • plie
  • puditry
  • redolent
  • riposted
  • sanguinary
  • schadenfreude
  • sobriquet
  • triptych
  • velleity
  • weltanschauung
  • yelept
  • yeshiva
  • zeitgeist
  • aesthete inky
  • abnegation
  • apollonian utne
  • auctorial utne
  • baluos inky
  • cassandra inky
  • chthonic utne
  • cineastes insite
  • de novo em sys
  • deracination inky
  • desultory time
  • dionysian utne
  • doyenne time
  • dross time
  • equably inky
  • exculpation insite
  • feted adj. celebrated inky
  • fortiori insite
  • flagrante utne
  • fulminous utne
  • inexpiable insite
  • invidious insite
  • latte far side
  • leonine time
  • lucre time
  • modus vivendi utne
  • naifen??
  • ombudsman us news
  • panegyric inky
  • quixotic time
  • rococo time
  • saturnine us news
  • sedulous time
  • skunk v. time
  • Svengali bribe embed sys
  • Winter 1993 Eric Krieg word test part 1

  • abStEmious light or moderate in in diet t
  • alights v. dismount, to settle on newsweek
  • ancien regeime french pre-revolution government t
  • appurtenances n. something subordinate to anothertime
  • argot ar gO local vocabulary for special group
  • armoire arm war large wardrobe or moveable cupboardinky
  • bathos ludicrous descent from exalted, insincere
  • bauble tchotchkes ng, Ellen
  • bombination humming or buzzing sound t -arts
  • brevet honorary higher commission without pay inc.readers disgust
  • brocaded woven fabric with raised design h
  • cadges to take advantage of friendship to borrow usnews
  • caitiff kA tif a lowly despicable person insite
  • calumny a false malicious statement insite
  • cavil v. annoying objection, niggle em sys
  • chortle to chuckle gleefully (lewis carrol) sesameSt..
  • cladistic classification of objects with branchingscience
  • concierge Kon cE arz fr. door keeper us news
  • congeries Kon JEr Ez n. assemblage of items h
  • contessa itln. countess ng
  • conurbation coalescing multicity urban area free inquiry
  • cormorant bird -used captive in china for fishingng
  • dandle v. to move a child on knee US news
  • dollop n. lump or blob of substance inky
  • dulcet pleasant to ear free inquiry
  • dreikanter pebble or boulder with 3 faces dictionary
  • ellipsis . . . or intentional omission smithsonian
  • evinced to show clearly, to prove time
  • exegesis critical examination of text (often bible)us news
  • exparte eks Par tE w\o chance for other side speakinky -legal notice
  • extant in existence smithsonian
  • factitious non natural, contrived insite
  • florid reddish; flowery si
  • gravamen most important part of accusation newsweek
  • hectoring v. bullying domineering (greek hero)
  • heGira (islam) an escape or journey h
  • herm bust, sculpture (often of hermes) Chris today
  • histrionics theatrics, over-reacting
  • importunist one making requests or soliciting t
  • interlarded v. diversify by adding unique things-speech newsweek
  • internecine mutually destructive, slaughtering
  • ipso facto based on the fact of itself insite
  • jejune lacking in nutrition or interest calvin and hobes
  • m'etier MA tyA field of work, forte newsweek
  • middling medium, moderate average us news
  • myrmidon mythical warlike people mindless following insite
  • nabe slang movie theater inky
  • parvenu Par va Noo one who suddenly obtains money us news
  • pas de deux dance by two persons t -arts
  • Per Curiam opinion of whole court inky -legal notice
  • piquant PE kent agreeably pungent, stimulating t
  • poetasting po et ast er inferior poet us news
  • pointe pwant Fr. on extreme toe tip t -arts
  • posse comitatus people called to help preserve peace insite
  • praxis practice (not theory) application knowledge
  • probity integrity, honesty
  • prosody study of poetic meters
  • quotidian daily, commonplace, regular (report) t -arts
  • raffish mildly disreputable, rakish, nonconformist t -arts
  • rebarbative causing annoyance or aversion
  • recondite Rek en DIte having difficult subject matter us news
  • recused to object or challenge, reject one inky -legal notice
  • rejiggernig to modify in unethical way t
  • renminbi in r. inky
  • reprise FR restart t
  • rescissions act of making void bottom line
  • sallow pale sickly yellowish color
  • sangfroid san fraw cold bloodedness t
  • saraband vigorous spanish castenent dance t
  • sheeny slang offensive -jew (or shinny) h
  • solicitude state of being anxious or concerned t
  • sotto voce So tO VOchE in a soft voice (secretive) inky
  • sphexism free inquiry
  • spoor trail of a wild animal funny times
  • suasion advising, persuasion us news
  • suborn saBorn bribe inky -legal notice
  • sui generis of its own kind, unique t
  • surcease desist, cease t
  • sylphlike slender graceful (legendary) girl US news
  • synecdoche siNekdakE part used for whole -symbol t
  • threnodies elegiac, distich salubrious dirge us news
  • travertine a kind of limestone deposited by hot spring smithsonian
  • trice 1. a moment 2. to pull with a rope US news
  • trope a rhetorical device -words outside literal t
  • truculent fierce, cruel brutal vitriolic far side
  • untrammeled unfettered, unhindered time
  • vox populi voice of the people
  • wend wander, to purse ones way US news
  • wheedling to to beguile via flattering words newsweek
  • wisteria climbing shrub with bright flowers newsweek
  • wizened withered, shriveled inky
  • Fall 1993 Eric Krieg word test

  • aNimadVersions unfavorable censoring critique si
  • aNodyne medicine to allay pain t
  • anomie lawless breakdown of society t
  • asthenic adj. of weak build, slender science news
  • baleful malign influence pernicious si
  • biota n. life of a region or period smithsonian
  • bon vivant n. Bon vE vant gourmand enjoying luxury
  • cabalistic referring to mystical dualistic religion smithsonian
  • cockalarums cok e Lor em self important little man si
  • crotchets crockit -whimsical notion t -arts
  • culm coal dust or stem stalk inky
  • effrontery shameless audacity (not just affront) smithsonian
  • e'lan impetuous, elan vital creative force
  • escmotage ???? si
  • extremis n. fight-or-flight condition smithsonian
  • defalcator misappropriations of funds si
  • distaff first woman appearing in field i
  • filial fitting a son or daughter smithsonian
  • funicular foo Nik yuler pertaining to top inky
  • grousing v. kvetch smithsonian
  • harridan scolding vicious women, hag, srew t -art
  • hoyden boisterous carefree tomboy t -art
  • infelicity n. unhappiness, bad luck embedded systems
  • insuperably implacable, incapable of being passed over smithsonian
  • keen n. wailing, lamentations national geog.
  • libertine liber tEn profligate, dissolute smithsonian
  • lilt n.cadence comic strip
  • Manichaean n. dualistic religious system good vs bad t
  • mien mEn air breathing, demeanor of noble m_ t -arts
  • moribund in dying state smithsonian
  • morose gloomy
  • nacelle n. enclosed part of airplane, dirigible
  • niggle repeated petty criticism i
  • noir nwar fr. black t -arts
  • oeuvre n. o'vr fr. whole of artist's works corpus t-arts
  • opining v. offering an opinion embedded systems
  • opPrObrium n. disgrace earned by shameful conduct si
  • ossuaries receptacle for bones, charnel house smithsonian
  • peregrination n. travel (usually by foot) US news
  • per StirpEs dividing estate between descendants
  • phiz slang face (abbr. of physiognomy) i
  • pirouette pir oot eT dancing spin smithsonian
  • planchettes plan shet pointer for ouija board si
  • plangent adj. resounding loudly or plaintively t -arts
  • preprandial prE Pran dE al before a meal smithsonian
  • screeds n. a long discourse (esp. a diatribe) t -arts
  • soigne' adj. Swan YA fr. carefully elegantly donet
  • stanch v. stop flow US news
  • stygian stij' Ean pertaining to river styx gloomy t
  • tawn dull yellowish brown
  • tittering v. giggling, heckling
  • tremulous timid, trembling smithsonian
  • turpitude vile shameless character depravity si
  • veridical veracious, pertaining to real si
  • whit mote, "not a whit better"
  • Summer 1993 Eric Krieg word test

  • aPproBation n. approval t
  • AprioRi existing in mind independent of observation n. penn reporter
  • august adj. inspirational, venerable inky
  • auteur n. O Tur filmmaker with complete control t
  • banty adj. skinny from diet low in fat t
  • canard n. absurd story, hoax i
  • carom n. a shot when one ball strikes others synergetics
  • cheeky adj. feisty] shinning town station
  • comity n. mutual courtesy i
  • corpus n. large colledction of writing t
  • coterie n. group of people, clique t
  • cri de couer n. outcry, of suffering (french) i
  • cuckolded adj. husband with unfaithful wife
  • denouement n. dA NOO man final plot resolution t
  • dryad n. female who likes the woods -wood nymph inky (title)
  • dyad n. 2 units treated as 1. group chromosome SI
  • dysTOpian adj. lots of squalor, human misery inky
  • elegiac adj. mournful, salubrious, distich verse t art review
  • enDogenous adj. derived internally t
  • enTente n. international understanding i
  • extirpate v. remove and destroy, pull up by roots i
  • feuilleton n. one terse uninflected paragraph u
  • hoity toity adj. snobby, giddy t
  • hygroscopic adj. desiccant, something absorbing water product cover
  • iambic adj. verse with meter and beat toastmaster
  • imbroglia BrOl yO complex bitter misunderstandg inky
  • inimical adj. adverse, harmful hostile t
  • jApery n. a jest, fraud t
  • kvetch V complain chronically (yiddish) t
  • milieu n. ME lyU environment -setting SI
  • nexus n. means of connecting, transition SI
  • NonpaReil adj. having no equal, candy i
  • numinous adj. supernatural, preternatural t
  • palpable adj. easy to take t
  • palaver n. long talk (either parable, with enemy t
  • paparazzo n. freelance celebrity photographer
  • parlous adj. perilous, dangerous US news &
  • passel n. group of unknown number t
  • pecksniffer n. hypocritically affecting benevolence t
  • pecuniary adj. pertaining to money ?
  • perspicacity n. have clear lucid sight, vision n
  • prima facie n. definition, requirement ufo
  • proscriptive adj. overly legalistic toastmaster
  • riparian adj. plush (forests) t
  • seminal adj. seed, possibilities of development t
  • slavering adj. slobbering, fawning t
  • sniggling v. fishing for eels, thrusting bait in hole
  • sylvan adj. of or pertaining to woods t
  • tchotchkes n. chach ka cheap trinket (yiddish) US news &
  • trundle v. to roll along sesame street
  • vintner n. wine maker or seller t
  • 'violon d'Ingres' foreign i
  • voluble adj. easy to roll -talkative i
  • Spring 1993 Eric Krieg wordtest

  • aGlEy n. awry t
  • arroyo n. often dry watercourse h
  • arTificer n. inventor, craftsman shh
  • blithe adj. joyous, cheerful t,funny times
  • BonhomiE n. good heartedness t
  • buttery n. storage of provisions, wine shh
  • caTarrh n. inflammatory membranes nw
  • concomitant adv. existing with something else h
  • conflation n. fusion si
  • detritus n. waste, debree h
  • drub v. to beat with stick, stamp feet inky
  • eldritch adj. eery (welsh) t
  • elysium n. heavenly paradise nw
  • exigencies n. emergency needing action h
  • facile adj moving with ease shh,inky
  • fisSiporous adj reproducing via fission h
  • fiat n. imprimatur, royal sanction shh
  • frissins n. frEsOnes passing thrill funny times
  • gambs n. legs (female) gary
  • hagiographer n. writer about the saints h
  • immanently n. inherent (pronounced as imminent) shh
  • incubi n. pl. demon -visiting the sleeping shh
  • legatEe n. recipient of legacy or largess t
  • lethe n. forgetful of past h
  • masque n. mask -- old dramatic dance i
  • maunderings n. aimless ramblings funny times
  • meretricious adj. alluring through pretense, seductive em sys
  • munificent adj liberal in giving funny times
  • nonplused adj. state of quandary, puzzle h
  • pastiche n. literary work with borrowed motifs t
  • peignoir n. panWar women's dressing gown funny times
  • priapic adj. phallic t
  • profligacy n. wasteful prodigal, dissipation inky
  • raison d'etre n. justification for existence em sys
  • redoubt n. defensive embattlement inky
  • seigniorial adj pertaining to royal rulers inky
  • tendentious adj showing tendency h
  • techy adj irritable funny times
  • trousseau n outfit of clothing for bride funny times
  • vetting v to treat, appraise t
  • fealty n. submission, pledge of loyalty DAJ
  • legend for above references

    h - harpers leftist progressive (a single article)
  • em embedded systems technical journal
  • insite right wing magazine
  • inky philly inquirer
  • si skeptical inquirer
  • shh book, science held hostage
  • t - time
  • ng national geographic us US news and world report
  • nw newsweek
  • aPotropAic adj. magic to ward off evil t
  • besotted adj. hopelessly in love t
  • braggadocio n someone who brags t
  • charnel n. burial place t
  • Comintern n. international effort to export marxism inky
  • contretemps n. inopportune embarrassment t
  • DAis n. elevated speakers platform h
  • demimonde n. class of society with loose women inky
  • deMotic adj. popular t
  • dionysian h
  • empyrean h
  • feckless adj. worthless, weak t
  • flummoxed adj. bewildered t
  • imprimatur n. sanction -approval to print inky
  • inamorata n. woman in love inky
  • incipient adj. beginning to show itself em sys
  • instanciate? v. jpk jargon
  • inveighs v. attack with words t
  • jefe n. hA' fa chief military commander t
  • lucubrations n. laborious study t
  • marmoreal adj. made of marble t
  • panspermia n. theory of many seeds in universe 4 life insite
  • pullulated adj. sending up sprouts t
  • precipice n. vertical cliff t
  • preternatural h
  • reNascent adj. being born again -vigor insite
  • redoubt - insite
  • sclerotic adj. eye coated over t
  • scrogging n em sys
  • semiotics n. the study of symbols t
  • sobriquet h
  • wEal n. state of well-being inky
  • SUBJECT: older list of words

  • abrihilo adv. from nothing (abnhilo)
  • acrid adj. caustic, biting
  • adduced v. bring forward in argument
  • admass n. high pressure ads
  • aducate v. judge
  • aeric adj. highest
  • acrimonious adj. caustic - contumely philippic
  • afflation n. divine inspiration
  • alfresco adj. in open air
  • amphiboly n. dual meaning
  • amphosa n. ancient vase
  • aplomb
  • apotheosis v. raising to god rank
  • aPotropAic adj. magic to ward off evil
  • approbation adj. approving
  • arroyo n. often dry watercourse
  • artifice n. contrivance
  • asolopsistic
  • asperity n. roughness, negative
  • assiduous adj. dedicated
  • athwart adv. across
  • auguries n. predictions prognostications
  • autodidact n. self taught
  • autonomasia
  • aver v. declare
  • besotted adj. hopelessly in love, infatuated, drunk
  • billet v. to put up (usually military)
  • braggadocio n. someone who brags
  • bromide n. trite platitude
  • catarrh n. inflammatory membranes
  • charnel n. burial place
  • chiton (Ki'ton) n. classical simple robe
  • claque n. hired applauders
  • Comintern n. international effort to export marxism
  • compendious adj. great work in small space
  • conflation n. fusion
  • contretemps n. inopportune embarrassment
  • DAis n. elevated speakers platform
  • demimonde n. class of society with loose women
  • demotic adj. popular, vernacular
  • detritus n. waste, debree
  • detumescence adj. de-swelling
  • dilettantes n. amature artists
  • dionysian
  • disquisitron n. dissertation
  • ebullient adj. evervessent bubbly
  • effete adj. not fertile -snob
  • elegy n. like eulogy
  • eldritch adj. eery (welsh)
  • elysium n. heavenly paradise
  • empyrean
  • encomium n. praise of person
  • ennui adj. weariness
  • enthymeme n. argument with missing information - thanks to Jeff of TheButte County Jail for the following better definition: Enthymeme- Asyllogism with one or more premises not explicitly stated by the speaker,so that the audience helps to complete the persuasive form by "fillingin the blanks." Example- a speaker says "Saccharine causes cancer in rats,"the audience is left to fill in the missing information that what causescancer in rats is likely to cause cancer in humans. Thus leading the audienceto a conclusion that whatever causes cancer in rats also causes cancerin humans. Enthymemes are used extensively in advertising and politicalcampaigns.
  • comportment n. behavior
  • eponym n. near name
  • eponymous adj. name derived from person
  • eudaemonia n. Aristotelian happiness from reason
  • euphony n. pleasing sound
  • evocation n. prayerful speech
  • exigencies n. emergency needing action
  • expurgated n. expunged
  • fabulist n. Fable writer, liar
  • facile adj. easy
  • factitious adj. artificial
  • farrago n. mixture (usually negative)
  • feckless adj. worthless, weak
  • feral adj. wild
  • flummoxed adj. bewildered
  • folderol n. trite nonsense
  • gambs n. legs (female)
  • gerund n. having
  • gerund v. choosing being
  • glom v. gather
  • golem n. automaton
  • hagiograph n. biography of saints
  • impasto n. thick painting style
  • imprimatur n. sanction -approval to print
  • inamorata n. woman in love
  • incipient adj. beginning to show itself
  • insipid adj. tasteless
  • insouciant adj. apathetic
  • instanciate v.
  • invective n. abusive speech
  • inveighs v. attack with words
  • irascible adj.
  • jefe n. hA' fa chief military commander
  • jou jou
  • kitsch n. tackiness
  • lachrymal adj. tearful
  • laconic adj. brief with words
  • legerdemain n. prestidigitation (negative)
  • lethe n. forgetful of past
  • lithe adj. flexible
  • lucubrations n. laborious study
  • lugubrious adj. healthy
  • marmoreal adj. made of marble
  • marplots n. meddler
  • melioristic adj. doctrine of human betterment
  • multifarious n. great diversity
  • munificent adj. liberal in giving
  • noisum n. fetid stench
  • nonpareil adj. matchless
  • nonplused adj. state of quandary, puzzle
  • obeisance n. a bow
  • osculation v. kiss
  • ostensible adj. avowed
  • panspermia n. theory of many seeds in universe 4 life
  • patina surface mellowing
  • paucity n. fewness
  • perates n. household gods
  • peripatct
  • perquisite n. pirk
  • petulance adj. attacking-capricious
  • philippic adj. abusive speech
  • piquant adj. stinging, sharp
  • plangent adj. reverberating
  • plebeian adj. common
  • plenary adj. fully attended
  • polymath
  • portmanteanwood "sm-og" combination
  • precipice n. vertical cliff
  • precis
  • preternatural
  • prima-facie adj. at first thought
  • profligacy n. wasteful prodigal, dissipation
  • prosaic adj. common
  • protean adj. can assume any form
  • pulchritude n. beauty
  • pullulated adj. sending up sprouts
  • putative reputed
  • raison d'etre n. justification for existence
  • redoubt n. defensive embattlement
  • reNascent adj. being born again -vigor
  • renitent adj. reticent, recalcitrant
  • resplendent adj. brilliant glowing
  • rife adj. abundant
  • riven adj. filled with
  • roil adj. muddy mix
  • rubicon n. irrevocable step taken
  • saturnine adj. slow, lethargic
  • sclerotic adj. eye coated over
  • scrogging n.
  • semiotics n. the study of symbols
  • sinecure n. official of no value
  • sobriquet
  • sonorous adj. high sounding
  • soporized
  • specious adj. having the appearance of truth
  • statist
  • sward n. plot of grass
  • thaumaturgy n. miracles
  • tocsin n. claxon, noisy
  • torpid adj. lost motion, dull
  • torrid adj. parched
  • triumvirate n. 3-person power team
  • truculent adj. savage
  • turgid adj. swelling, pompous
  • vapid
  • variegated adj. varied
  • venal adj. corruptible
  • vitiate
  • wEal n. state of well-being
  • Tony L. fax 968-2983
  • There is an excellent live wordtestsite
  • comic book words
  • ReadersDigest Word tests - I've always thought they had poor definition choices
  • check out my mind challenging skeptics pages ormy rants page
  • The Logical Worldof Etymology
  • neat page on faultyreasoning
  • Contrived Pedanticwords and intellectual humor I must admit to being accused of beingpedantic (displaying a frivolous use of language to appear educated).
  • Eric's home page.



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