(Superpowers of the Human Biomind)
Anomalous Human Cognition:
A Possible Role Within the Crucible of Intelligence Collection
Douglas A. Morris (July, 2010)
(Introduction by Ingo Swann)
As will be seen in reading the following contributed paper,
it is super awesomely articulate, organized, researched, and documented, so
much so that producing a few puffy and superfluous introductory words about
the paper itself seems pointless.
However, the background as to why and by whom
the paper came about should accompany its presentation herein -- basically
to establish who the heck Douglas Morris is and why he chanced to produce his
awesome paper.
Very briefly, Douglas Morris is a native of Ogallala, Nebraska,
and during his early educational processes he increasingly leaned toward the
life of a Foreign Service Officer, ending up joing the Department of State
as such.
He has recently served as Regional Public Affairs Officer at
the U.S. Embassy in Suva, Fiji. Previous tours include Manila, Moscow, Washington,
Tokyo, and Majuro where he served as Deputy Chief of Mission from 2007-2009.
He is the recipient of both the State Department Meritorious Honor Award (1997)
and the State Department Superior Honor Award (2000, 2008).
He was recognized for his work in Phuket, Thailand where he helped USG efforts
to deal with the immediate aftermath of the South Asian tsunami disaster, and
he was again called on to support the U.S. response to the massive earthquake,
tsunami and nuclear disasters that struck Japan in March 2011.
He will be departing for Kabul, Afghanistan in 2012.
As to why Morris selected the difficult topic of anomalous human
cognition (which includes Remote Viewing), well, he seems to be one who doesn't
much like to toot his own horn, and so getting him to open up on this required
a few pestering talks with the man himself.
Now paraphrasing his replies a bit, Yes, he admitted "it was an odd, unconventional
choice and I could much more easily have produced a thesis topic involving
North Korea because as a second-tour officer I was responsible for all aspects
of the heavy fuel oil program there under the 1995 U.S./DPRK Agreed Framework.
Over the three-plus months I spent in North Korea, during the height of the
famine there that killed an estimated one million, I witnessed not only suffering
and death, additionally caused by brutal repression and executions. So for
reasons I can't condense so easily, I needed some other fresh vista for my
"But I think it is fair to say that I consider myself an open-minded skeptic
-- one willing to follow where the best evidence leads, regardless of convention.
With regard to the U.S. Government remote viewing program, the overwhelming
preponderance of best evidence led squarely to my paper and its conclusions.
"I've had a number of people ask me if I've attempted remote viewing and I've
always stated that I'd love the opportunity and challenge that exploration
would afford. But I've purposefully avoided pursuit of that while I was engaged
in researching and drafting the thesis, and I believe that fact lends added
credit and weight to the work -- to wit, I followed the hard external evidence,
without recourse to any internal, personal experience that the reader might
not share.
"Again, I could have written this thing on three or four different North Korean
topics -- in my sleep. Instead, I bucked convention and pursued a topic that
evidence strongly suggestted needed to be both revisited and clarified for
the USG reader working in the greater Intelligence Community. I believed I
could best serve the US interest in this fashion."
Well, there you have it -- from the man himself. Who's gonna
argue with it? Not me!


DOD Clearance