Re: Bearden on Bedinis' motors

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 14 Apr 2000 06:22:16 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Michael et al!

I'm not so sure about this battery business. I can
see the time reversal thing happening by a kind of
back emf induced inertial recoil effect which I would
think would happen in any conductive medium, whether
it be battery acid or a capacitor dielectric.

It appears to be the rapid flow of electrical current
that would be producing the effect so to my view,
we've just never publicly had anything 'better' than
batteries prior to these new high farad capacitors.

With these new 'stiffening' capacitors to create very
quickly rising steep magnetic responses, if there IS
zpe/aether entrainment involved,

creating some kind of whirlpool, then as someone else
brought up (can't think who, probably Ken), we should
see cool operation (if not downright cold as with
Sweet) near the machine

in addition to temporal distortions where a watch
attached to the capacitor or battery would run slower
due to repeated spikes that slug down the
watchspring/pendulum and thus the forward moving hands
of the watch, or if digital, then a more direct effect
of altering the oscillator and timing circuitry.

My concerns with any of this stuff are basically two

1) it will always be a 'Lab Queen', a term used by
the late Arthur Coleman for devices that produce
marvelous phenomena in a lab, under precisely
controlled conditions yet which fail miserably in the
real world, thus they cannot be brought to practical
and reliable use - Arthur used to good naturedly goad
me ceaselessly that there was no such thing as free
energy, that we were wasting our time and effort,
having been once vice president of R&D for Rockwell he
knew and worked with many famous scientists and
engineers so its not like he didn't have serious
background - but I still disagree though his comments
about the 'lab queen' devices do seem to apply to a
lot of the claims being made in alt science

2) it will involve some kind of 'spook interaction'
between the user and the device, where only one person
or a person with a specific mindset can get results
out of it - that would mean they could never come into
practical use because psychic equipment would not be
reliable in the real world..a bizarre takeoff on the
lab queen effect but there do seem to be researchers
who were THE ONLY ONES who could get their machines to
operate, Keely, Hendershot, Hubbard, Moray, etc...

Its quite a series of steps to take a toy model that
seems to produce anomalous phenomena such as super
high efficiency or o/u, and scale that up to a
production model that would be reliable.

But like so many others have said based on their own
experience, we have to duplicate it EXACTLY like the
inventor says to verify the effect, then tinker with
modifications in another circuit, leave the one that
works alone!!!..<g>....

--- "mrand@access" <> wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> Well it looks like the battery is required in this
> design and may explain why Robert's capacitor
> experiment did not work while the battery did.
> Regards, Michael


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