Just some tests...

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 09:40:28 -0400

Jer, et all,

Beat ya doing some experiments! <g>
I tested 4 rotating neodymium magnets last night mounted symmetrically on a
5" circular fiberglass disk and rotated with a 6V motor which is rated to
up to some 6 Amps. Running it on 5 Volts it gave a reading on a scope of
6000 Rpm! Darn! I checked it twice too.. thought it was going to fly away!

Now a 450 turn coil was made on a 3/8 inch square and 3" long iron dowel.
The spacing to the magnets where about 1/8". Any closer to the magnetic
the Magnetic attractive force would distort the fiberglass and surfaces
touch. So rotating this at 6000 rmps gave about 20Vpp reading or about
7 vrms. Placing a 15 ohm 5 watt resistor in parallel with it produced 10
or about 3.5 vrms. (.8 W)

The motor FLYING at 6000 rmp was sucking up some amps, so to check
the current place 1.3 ohms in series with the motor and turned it on. The
motor was real real slow.. the reading on the resistor gave 2.77 amps DC.
So, the motor voltage was then 1.4 volts, taking 2.77 amps. (3.9W).

Again rotating in this configuration gave 1000 rpms, and on the output
coil was 1.4vrms across 15 ohm load. (.13W).

That is it so far.. 30:1 power ratio? Pretty bad I'd say! <g>
Maybe later try some different things...

v/r Ken Carrigan

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