Powering cars.

Dan [FrogEStyle] ( (no email) )
Tue, 11 Apr 2000 20:40:00 -0500

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How about stirling engines?
If they can power a sub why not a small car? =
Heat is one of the most abundant energy sources. I have even read that =
heat can be stored in a bottle via steam and methane throught a =
catalist. The heat can then be used by running the stored gas throught =
another catalist. The water and mathane are unchanged.

One device has only a 30% efficiency (http://www.lanl.gov/mst/engine/=20
This is not that bad for a device with no moving parts other than =
perhaps a generator.

The pentagon has a solar version that can generate enough power to run =
the place. The size is not all that big. This same type could be used =
in a car. Ill look for the URL.
It seems that stirling engines could be verry useful.

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How about stirling =engines?
If they can power a sub why not a =small=20car?  http://www.argo=net.co.uk/users/bobsier/subm.html
Heat is one of the most abundant =energy=20sources.  I have even read that heat can be stored in a bottle via =steam=20and methane throught a catalist.  The heat can then be used by =running the=20stored gas throught another catalist.  The water and mathane are=20unchanged.
One device has only a 30% efficiency  (http://www.lanl.gov/mst/engine/<=/A>=20
This is not that bad for a device with no moving =parts other=20than perhaps a generator.
The pentagon has a solar version that can generate =enough=20power to run the place.  The size is not all that big.  This =same type=20could be used in a car.  Ill look for the URL.
It seems that stirling engines could be verry=20useful.
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