Mediacl Uses of Ozone

mkostur ( (no email) )
Tue, 11 Apr 2000 19:13:44 -0600

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Hi Jerry:

This is the first time I have posted anything on any forum, and is in =
response to the post by Ken Carrigan regarding the medical uses of =
ozone. Please post this on Keelynet so others can peruse this =

I was involved with the International Ozone Association for 19 years. =
The IOA is a large, truly international Association dedicated to the =
scientific and technical uses of ozone in water, waste water and medical =
uses all over the world, and is a highly respected professional =
organisation. The IOA may be reached at:

A few years ago I was informed there were well over 14,000 technical =
studies and reports published by doctors from countries all over the =
world on the medical uses of ozone. =20

I understand literally every single hospital and health clinic in Japan =
uses medical ozone every day, and in fact are now beginning to use =
titanium dioxide ceramic tile on the walls and floors of operating rooms =
and wards of these clinics and hospitals, as their very extensive =
studies have shown that when UV light from fluorescent and other =
lighting, including sunlight, reaches the tile, it reacts with the TIO2 =
to produce a little ozone on the surface of the tile, which has been =
proven to kill surface bacteria, etc.

Medical applications for ozone were first used and developed in Europe, =
mostly in Germany. Today there are over 6,000 German doctors reputed to =
have German Government medical ozone certification for using ozone on =
their patients. They are reputed to have given over 10 Million =
treatments without any negative side effects on a huge range of =
illnesses and malladies - over 84 different ones.=20

However, ozone is not a pill, and cannot be patented. It cannot be =
pushed by a doctor for cancer, as there is, to be blunt, no money in it =
for the medical establishment. It is too simple, too effective and too =
easy on the pocketbooks of the patients. If you can get a significant =
improvement in your cancer or Hep C, etc. for a few hundred dollars. =
Where does this support the storyline of the valliant "fight" to find a =
"cure" for cancer, which is reputed to now be the second biggest =
industry in the USA? =20

I recommend anyone interested in this should get a copy of Ed McCabe's =
book "O2xygen Therapies" and access articles published by Dr. Robert E. =
Wilmer at:
=20 =20

There are numerous other publications in hard print on this subject. =20

An excellent resource is Saul Pressman at Plasmafire International Inc. =

Saul Pressman of Plasmafire Int'l Inc. has done a great deal of =
research and is very knowledgeable on the huge resource of information =
on this subject. Saul also offers a very good historical review of =
medical ozone at:


Here are a few other resources:

Report: "Technical Aspects for Ozonation Equipment for Ozone Therapies" =
presented at the 9th Int'l Oxidative Medicine Assoc. conference in San =

Another resource is:

Some excellent articles on medical ozone::

This site also offers a forum for the medical use of ozone, and you can =
subscribe to the Oxylist Forum at: (Put "subscribe list" on the first line)

The Luddite consciousness web page, that offers a self explanatory and a =
truly interesting perspective of consciousness is at:

A few years ago Geoffrey Rodgers produced the video "Ozone and the =
Politics of Medicine" I highly recommend everyone sees this video. A =
discussion on it is at:

Also, a good resource is at:

A site that offers a very good and informative outline of medical uses =
of ozone are at:

A Canadian perspective is at:

Excellent "alternative" health perspectives are at:

For more, just call up medical+ozone on all the big search engines. =
Many of the biggest ones offer only a few. GO Network/Infoseek offers =
79 results, and HotBot offers over 5,000.

I have had a "medical ozone gnenerator" for years, and it has helped me =
enormously. I will soon get a steam cabinet from one of the =
manufacturers of such things, as those who use them have glowing reports =
of how their health has improved, with corresponding weight loss, etc. =
They are great, as I have used one many times.

Note: there is NO panacea for "curing" anything. There is NO magic =
wand. Everything mankind comes up with offers hope and help to many =
folks with a wide range of problems. Some work for many people and not =
at all or with poor results for others. However, it has been my =
personal experience that ozone sure does the trick for a great many =
health issues.

I have been to 3 different major ozone health clinics in Germany, and to =
the biggest medical ozone manufacturers in the world. The first and =
largest is the Dr. J. Hansler GmbH company in Iffesheim, Germany. The =
managing director, Dr. Renatte Viebahn, is Dr. Hansler's daughter. She =
wrote a difinitive book on the medical uses of ozone, which has been =
translated into English. The Dr. J. Hansler GmbH company has sold =
medical ozone equipment all over the world for over 45 years.

Hope this helps.

Best regards

Clayton Hanna

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Hi Jerry:
This is the first time I have posted =anything on=20any forum, and is in response to the post by Ken Carrigan regarding the =medical=20uses of ozone.   Please post this on Keelynet so others can =peruse=20this information.
 I was involved with the =International=20Ozone Association for 19 years.  The IOA is a large, truly =international=20Association dedicated to the scientific and technical uses of ozone in =water,=20waste water and medical uses all over the world, and is a highly =respected=20professional organisation.  The IOA may be reached at: 
A few years ago I was informed there were well over =14,000=20technical studies and reports published by doctors from countries all =over the=20world on the medical uses of ozone. 
I understand literally every single =hospital and=20health clinic in Japan uses medical ozone every day, and in fact are now =beginning to use titanium dioxide ceramic tile on the walls and floors =of=20operating rooms and wards of these clinics and hospitals, as their very=20extensive studies have shown that when UV light from fluorescent and =other=20lighting, including sunlight, reaches the tile, it reacts with the TIO2 =to=20produce a little ozone on the surface of the tile, which has been proven =to kill=20surface bacteria, etc.
Medical applications for ozone were first used and =developed=20in Europe, mostly in Germany.  Today there are over 6,000 German =doctors=20reputed to have German Government medical ozone certification for using =ozone on=20their patients.  They are reputed to have given over 10 Million =treatments=20without any negative side effects on a huge range of illnesses and =malladies -=20over 84 different ones. 
However, ozone is not a pill, and cannot be =patented.  It=20cannot be pushed by a doctor for cancer, as there is, to be blunt, no =money in=20it for the medical establishment.  It is too simple, too effective =and too=20easy on the pocketbooks of the patients.  If you can get a =significant=20improvement in your cancer or Hep C, etc. for a few hundred =dollars.  Where=20does this support the storyline of the valliant "fight" to =find a=20"cure" for cancer, which is reputed to now be the second =biggest=20industry in the USA? 
I recommend anyone interested in this should get a =copy of Ed=20McCabe's book "O2xygen Therapies" and access articles =published by Dr.=20Robert E. Wilmer at: =20
There are numerous other publications in hard print =on this=20subject. 
An excellent resource is Saul Pressman at Plasmafire =International Inc. at: 
 Saul Pressman of Plasmafire Int'l Inc. has =done a great=20deal of research and is very knowledgeable on the huge resource of =information=20on this subject.  Saul also offers a very good historical review of =medical=20ozone at:
Here are a few other resources:
Report:  "Technical Aspects for Ozonation =Equipment=20for Ozone Therapies" presented at the 9th Int'l Oxidative Medicine =Assoc.=20conference in San Antonio:
Another resource is:
Some excellent articles on medical =ozone::
This site also offers a forum for the medical use of =ozone,=20and you can subscribe to the Oxylist Forum at:; (Put=20"subscribe list" on the first line)
The Luddite consciousness web page, =that offers=20a self explanatory and a truly interesting perspective of consciousness =is=20at:
A few years ago Geoffrey Rodgers produced the video=20"Ozone and the Politics of Medicine"  I highly recommend =everyone=20sees this video.  A discussion on it is at:
Also, a good resource is =at:
A site that offers a very good and informative =outline of=20medical uses of ozone are at:
A Canadian perspective is at:
Excellent "alternative" =health=20perspectives are at:
For more, just call up medical+ozone =on all the=20big search engines.  Many of the biggest ones offer only a =few.  GO=20Network/Infoseek offers 79 results, and HotBot offers over =5,000.
I have had a "medical ozone gnenerator" =for years,=20and it has helped me enormously.  I will soon get a steam cabinet =from one=20of the manufacturers of such things, as those who use them have glowing =reports=20of how their health has improved, with corresponding weight loss, =etc. =20They are great, as I have used one many times.
Note:  there is NO panacea for ="curing"=20anything.  There is NO magic wand.  Everything mankind comes =up with=20offers hope and help to many folks with a wide range of problems.  =Some=20work for many people and not at all or with poor results for =others. =20However, it has been my personal experience that ozone sure does the =trick for a=20great many health issues.
I have been to 3 different major ozone health =clinics in=20Germany, and to the biggest medical ozone manufacturers in the =world.  The=20first and largest is the Dr. J. Hansler GmbH  company in Iffesheim, =Germany.  The managing director, Dr. Renatte Viebahn, is Dr. =Hansler's=20daughter.  She wrote a difinitive book on the medical uses of =ozone, which=20has been translated into English. The Dr. J. Hansler GmbH company has =sold=20medical ozone equipment all over the world for over 45 =years.
Hope this helps.
Best regards
Clayton Hanna
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