Re: Fw: Adams motor: Bedini version

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 10 Apr 2000 05:07:47 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

Michael Randall asked that this be posted to the list;

Hi Robert,

Congratulations, and thank you for posting your
experiment results!

Looking forward to hearing more of your progress.

But when you set the timing on your motor, take this
one must pulse the stator coils BEFORE the
magnet gets to the stator core.

Yes, this is what Robert Adams also said he did with
his unit.

What if I put another disk on the opposite side?

In other words use the other ends of the coils to
the disk at the same time.

Sounds like a good idea. You would then take
advantage of the opposite coil field and maybe get
more torque.

Have you tried using the shaft torque to turn a motor?
What do you think of replacing the battery with a

Best Regards, Michael Randall

PS. Another thought would be to add some energizer
coils for electric power output. Do you have enough
room to add some output coils? It would also be a
good simple way to measure energy input/output.


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