Re: Adams motor:Bedini Version

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sat, 8 Apr 2000 12:56:04 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Robert et al!

A taillight at;
12vdc is about .666 A which is about 8 Watts

A headlight at;
12vdc is about 4.67 A which is about 50 Watts

You indicate your Bedini/Adams motor draws;
..120 A at 12.35vdc which is about 1.48 Watts

You said you hooked up 6 of these taillights which
would be about 48 Watts with all of them lighting up
at full brightness(?).

That would be 48 - 1.48 = 46.52 Watts over and above
what you were drawing to run your motor.

Now light bulbs are not a good test because brightness
isn't indicate you hooked up an
additional 12vdc motor and it powered this inductive
device as well.

So is it conditioning power so that it becomes
extremely efficient when it 'drives' a load or is it
truly overunity?

Its all very intriguing and hard to believe without
current and voltage measurements through the living

Lets see, is that 4600% OU??? Geez, the con artists
are just loving this....


Please respond to
as I am writing from my work email of!

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