
chuck's corner ( (no email) )
Fri, 7 Apr 2000 09:54:48 -0400

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hi all,
I am curious if anyone can help me here ...I had a friend who moved =
here to Vermont about fifteen yrs. ago and told of a friend he knew in =
colorado who built sattelite-dish-style solar collectors to use for =
refrigeration and heating as well as electrical generation. Apperantly =
he even installed a few on the roofs of some of the local supermarkets. =
He couldn't remember the last name but his first was Tom.....a little =
eccentric but a decent guy (so I'm told) and I was hoping someone here =
may have either heard of him, his ideas, or his whereabouts?=20
any help would be greatly =
appreciated...... Chuck Farrar
Click here for Free Video!!

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hi all,
 I am curious if anyone can help me here =....I had a=20friend who moved here to Vermont about fifteen yrs. ago and told of a =friend he=20knew in colorado who built sattelite-dish-style solar collectors to use =for=20refrigeration and heating as well as electrical generation. Apperantly =he even=20installed a few on the roofs of some of the local supermarkets. He =couldn't=20remember the last name but his first was Tom.....a little eccentric but =a decent=20guy (so I'm told) and I was hoping someone here may have either heard of =him,=20his ideas, or his whereabouts?
          =            &=nbsp;         =20any help would be greatly appreciated...... Chuck Farrar
Click =here for=20Free Video!!<=/A>
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