Amazing Time Distortion Experiments
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 18:01:55 EDT

There was an interesting guest on Art Bell last (Wednesday) night. Dr
David Anderson runs a privately funded lab on Long Island. Dr Anderson told
Bell that he and his colleagues have created small self-contained time warp
fields of up to 12 centimeters in diameter. Within the boundary layer of
these fields, Anderson claimed, time has been slowed to as little as 15% of
normal time to almost zero. Although at the lower extremes the fields are
very unstable. Also Anderson said that some anomalous energy seems to
supplement the power used to run the experiment which could quite possibly be
zero-point energy. I found out more about Dr Anderson from his
website at I had visited this site before, but I had
assumed these were not serious people because it seemed too
science-fiction-like in its setup. But now I realise they are serious
researchers, Dr Anderson spent a number of years in the Air Force where he
worked on high -level projects that touched on the nature of time. In a an
interview, that you can find at his site, he states that in his lab
mechanical and electrical clocks have shown the proof of temporal distortion.
He also states that he has slowed down and speeded up the rate of growth of
plants. He hopes to develope a practical method of slowing time down to zero
for transplant organs so they they will not degenerate before usage and
eventually he would like to go beyond stopping time to reversing it. If this
is all on the level, it's revolutionary to say the least.
For comments, I am
Trevor at

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