funding and what's going on

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 06 Apr 2000 15:54:12 -0500

Hi Folks!

As you can see if you came in through the KeelyNet main
page, I am currently experimenting with banners to help pay
for the website and/or provide some funds for additional
materials that will be reflected back onto KeelyNet, that
includes experiments, equipment and other media with new or
novel information that can be extracted/excerpted and

The Hamster site hasn't paid anything yet as they wait until
a check reaches $50 before sending it out, though with high
traffic, they pay every Friday. So far only about $18.00
for the 10 days its been up. They also sent a note saying
they are upping the rate to .10 and .40 for clickthroughs
which I think means you have to do something on the site you
went to.

Anyway, got an email from a person saying Discover magazine
would be good for KeelyNet to advertise since most of the
people who come here are science oriented...that is true and
by design, so I responded and signed up.

The offer is for 15% of any magazine subscription that comes
from the KeelyNet links, so I went through and selected 8
magazines (two questionable..<g>..) and attached links to
their online websites as well as three other online sites
that have very good information and are well worth checking
up on occasionally.

The good thing about magazines is they are handy, portable
and all the material is included, not just the excerpts as
posted in their online archives.

I checked into the prices and was pleasantly surprised to
see them ranging from about 40% up to 75% off the newstand
price. There is also a search engine to lookup your own
favorite or special interest magazine at the bottom of the
So, if you are interested in good full content information
at great prices, you might check out the new page at;

Some of the site I've been too have the names of articles
but they don't include them since the subscription is how
they sustain themselves, they have to save something.

I like the idea of subscribers having a user id and password
so they not only get the hardcopy, though CD would be
cheaper, but also they could read ALL of the magazine
online. That way if they found something they like and need
to excerpt a piece of it, it could be cut and pasted as

Anyway, please don't view this as a shameless commercial
plug as you know KeelyNet tries to share as much as possible
as freely as possible, but there comes a time when
somethings gotta give as to support and it will NEVER rely
on scamming people.

Also I want to thank a certain special person in Canada who
recently sent in a contribution to support KeelyNet....even
though I wrote him back and suggested he keep the money and
devote it to experiments locally there in Canada, he still
sent it which I think was a very kind and considerate thing
to do. I'll make it count!

As an update, here is what is going on around here...

we are working on a nonprofit organization, have our domain
and the papers are underway, it will registered as a 501(c)3

a workshop is underway that will allow for experiments that
will be posted to the site if successful and if they fail,
we'll post those too,

the idea being to TRY them and share the results, that will
include 'plans' from other sources as are being sold as
'working' on the network...

to be constructed as per the plans...if they work, you'll
finally know without having to waste your money...and we'll
post what we did..

so this summer should be casting a die that will provide
ripples for years to come...not quite ready to release all
the info, but that is why its time to experiment with
revenue producing methods that are HONEST and without any
kind of SCAM by claiming something works, then you buy it
and it doesn't work...this way, it only costs you a click or
two...and I'll post whatever comes out of it so everyone can
see the results.

If it works and your own website could use it, please do.
Everyone wins should be a philosophy, not just a slogan.

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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