Re: Your Motor is a discredit to you

Dan [FrogEStyle] ( (no email) )
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 14:02:13 -0500

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I do not intend to discredit your work!! I am simply using what I have =
laying around the house to test your idea. The idea is great. Not so =
unlike a Tesla coil or a swing, you give a small push as it goes by and =
it keeps going having a total momentum MUCH greater than the little =
pushes. Well, thats my outlook anyway. =20

The MPS 8099 is nolonger made( I contacted the maker.). The extra stock =
has been sold and is on the market. However I cant find any here. The =
data sheets point to a 2n2222A. Just how bad of an idea were the donut =
magnters anyway? Causing double firing?
The model I built, not doing it your way, did work. The battery was not =
drained, but the transistor got hot and shut down when too hot.
Would you use 'rare earth' magnets?

Id like to say Im sorry to everyone if they got any bad ideas about John =
based on my work!!

-----Original Message-----
From: john1 <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 10:30 PM
Subject: Your Motor is a discredit to you
It would be nice if you would build the motor like I have explained, =
not only is this motor built wrong, Drawing current is not what it is =
all about. It is very simple to build the one transistor circuit.If you =
cant get it to work you do not know what your doing, anyone studying the =
circuit can see how it works.I feel that it is not fair to Me to make =
nonsense out of something that's not built right. I would not take your =
work and do this so why do this if not to discredit Me. The discredit is =
yours for not following directions and showing others that you cant =
build it!!!!!!!
John Bedini

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I do not intend to discredit your =work!!  I=20am simply using what I have laying around the house to test your =idea.  The=20idea is great.  Not so unlike a Tesla coil or a swing, you give a =small=20push as it goes by and it keeps going having a total momentum MUCH =greater than=20the little pushes.  Well, thats my outlook anyway.  =
The MPS 8099 is nolonger made( I =contacted the=20maker.).  The extra stock has been sold and is on the market.  =However=20I cant find any here.  The data sheets point to a 2n2222A.  =Just how=20bad of an idea were the donut magnters anyway? Causing double=20firing?
The model I built, not doing it your way, did =work.  The=20battery was not drained, but the transistor got hot and shut down when =too=20hot.
Would you use 'rare earth' magnets?
Id like to say Im sorry to everyone =if they got=20any bad ideas about John based on my work!!
-----Original =Message-----
From:=20 john1 <>
To: <>
Date:=20 Tuesday, April 04, 2000 10:30 PM
Subject: Your Motor =is a=20 discredit to you

It would be nice if you would build =the motor=20 like I have explained, not only is this motor built wrong, Drawing =current=20 is not what it is all about. It is very simple to build the one =transistor=20 circuit.If you cant get it to work you do not know what your doing, =anyone=20 studying the circuit can see how it works.I=20 feel that it is not fair to Me to make nonsense out of something =that's not=20 built right. I would not take your work and do this so why do this =if not to=20 discredit Me. The discredit is yours for not following directions=20 and showing others that you cant =build=20 it!!!!!!!
John =Bedini
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