RE: Tele-Checkup - medical

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 08:17:10 -0400

Jer, et al,
I was super heavy years ago into Rife technology, built many
and designed, tested, down to where James Bare and myself traded
scopes, frequencies, designs, and equipment. My mother in law had
stage 4 cancer and was determined by alternative medicine to cure
her of it. She went to holistic doctors, even Kosei Mensey (not
spelled right) and was on all kinds of stuff. Green tea, enzyme
pills, even on interferon. (medical staff kind of writes you off
once stage 4). Well I was determined after she died to get this
Rife Technology to work! DARN I was determined! After many many
hours, days, months, years I learned that Rife technology just
could not do what I was hoping. I got more effect from a modulated
microscope light. I have seen protozoa eviscerate under a
microscope in two seconds at a certain frequencies using 50W
Halogen light pulsed. Anyway I gave it all up in late 1998.

Now on the news I have seen a pill come out VERY promising!

Drug offers hope in battle against leukemia, other cancers

October 26, 1999
Web posted at: 12:15 a.m. EDT (0415 GMT)

LOS ANGELES (CNN) -- An experimental drug designed to combat chronic
myelogenous leukemia, a common form of the adult cancer, has produced
dramatic results in early clinical trials, according to a preliminary report
released Monday.
Then later in the year......

Drug shows promise against one form of leukemia

December 3, 1999
Web posted at: 12:13 p.m. EST (1713 GMT)
CNN) -- Cancer researchers on Friday reported dramatic results in early
clinical trials of an experimental pill designed to combat chronic
myelogenous leukemia, one of four common forms of leukemia. The drug has few
side effects and may have the potential to destroy other cancers, medical
experts said.

The findings are being presented in New Orleans, at the annual meeting of
the American Society of Hematology.

In a study of 37 patients treated with the drug, code-named STI-571, all of
them had complete normalization of their blood counts, signaling a remission
of their leukemia
Cancer is a terrible thing.. and Chemo is just as bad. Hopefully the
AMA has come up with their ever 'pill' that can at least offer more
hope then cut, burn, poison! The AMA, I believe, is obsessed with
a 'pill' as cures to every single problem. They do not believe in
diet, massage, vitimans, herbs (they do recognize some now like St Johns
Wort.. but if you notice they are downing it adds), and holistic
approach to healing the body.

v/r Ken Carrigan

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry W. Decker []
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 8:29 PM
Subject: Tele-Checkup - medical

Hi Folks!

Just caught the news and there was an intereresting report
about a dedicated custom computer system that costs about
$3000 to $6000 depending on peripherals. It allows nurses
to do remote checkups unassisted and through the computer
without having to visit a clinic or doctor.

There was a fellow awhile back who uses a radionic
attachment for your computer that allows you to analyze and
treat any condition. He refers to it as vibrational healing
and though I know radionics is not orthodox the point was
you could do a realtime measurement and produce a realtime
treatment. His website is;

The other item is the protein melodies of Sternheimer and
related material as posted at;

and the homeopathic structuring of water by Benveniste;

The point with all this is that I've had several friends who
buy so completely into alternative medicine that they
completely ignore the NEED for a checkup before, during and
after their treatement.

Nothing is worse than BELIEVING your cancer or condition has
been cured, then to suffer major complications, often
terminal simply because you failed to get an xray and a
proper checkup before, during and after.

At this stage in alternative medicine, it MUST be hybridized
by being used along with established methods, at least the
MONITORING of the bodily conditions. Looks like a perfect
opportunity for a health diagnostics system that would sell
as various perhipherals that attached to any computer.

You simply attach it, run the program and hook yourself up
as instructed onscreen, and if you have anything that
deviates from a preset norm, you can directly access an
online database OR live checkup site where nurses would be
on standby as 'tech support' to recheck and verify your

This could even be a website that had all the software
running online and thus continually updated and you simply
have to have an account with them and the proper equipment
to access the service.

There is an intriguing site that uses a novel interface
which I think is brilliant. It is on an adult site that was
of course sent to me by a tech friend to check out the
interface....don't lose it here, I'm trying to get a point

The site is;

They sell a suction cup with an optical sensor mounted in
the center. It attaches to a box that provides an output to
drive the 'peripheral'.

As I understand it, you link into their adult chat room and
a small box appears in the lower left or right window of
your screen. That is where you place the suction cup.

The box changes brightness under the control of the person
you are 'chatting' with. That brightness level in turn
controls the peripheral. You can also control the
brightness of their onscreen box to control their
peripheral. The box with suction cup sells for about $40.00
and the peripherals have varying costs. But it shows a
novel way to interface and control via the Internet without
needing to tap into your serial or parallel port. Of course
this suction cup sensing method is one way only, sending
data to you but it is interesting.

Methinks you could have a serial or parallel peripheral that
would let you connect to a blood pressure meter, a digital
thermometer and other devices to measure the current
condition of the body, store that information in a health
file and let you track for deviations that could indicate a

For that matter, you could have one machine shared by
several people, all with individual records and disposable
measuring tips.

The report said a typical checkup session lasted 18 minutes
via computer and 45 minutes in person. That means they
could double the number of people they could assist in a
day. The complaints about it were that it didn't have the
human touch needed to heal, and it would never replace

But I think they miss the point, it is simply a checkup,
nothing more.

But the idea that you could have peripherals attached to any
computer that could instruct you in how to hook up the
devices, then how to collect that information is a very
slick thing to do...your data could even be emailed to a
service or run through an artificial intelligence program.

Now combine these realtime body state measurements with a
program that would be measuring system and organ vitality,
like the 'vibrational healing' system above,

and it would make for a great self contained checkup system
that would not only warn you if you become borderline, but
could possibly make suggestions to resolve it or send out
phase conjugate type signatures that would cancel the energy
condition in the body before it manifests in the tissue.

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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