Re: Question about the aether

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 04 Apr 2000 10:57:20 -0500

Hi Peter et al!

Yes, the classical aether....these days being called
zpe....light does NOT travel at the same speed despite all
that has been promulgated....even the original experiments
showed variations of +/- 12mps..all averaged to give a
supposedly 'fixed' number..there have been others who
confirmed the existence of aether, most notably

You see, that is what KeelyNet uses as a given...that
everything comes from and reduces back to aether/zpe...and
when we learn to control gravity we will shortly thereafter
be able to modify the technique to extract energy from the
aether/zpe...and it also applies to health because it can be
used to alter time to assist or promote healing and
rejuvenation in the body...that's why our topics have always
been free energy, gravity control and electronic health.

The idea is to collect as many pieces of the puzzle,
especially the ones that don't fit, to come up with an
experiment that will allow us to tap these natural
forces....check out;

particularly the MEAD patent based on the Casimir effect,
though Win Lambertsen in Florida has been experimenting with
what he calls 'e-dams' for several years now...a
modification of the Casimir effect. I've handled one of his
WIN cells which utilize this e-dam looks like
two ceramic wafers separated by an RTV like material...since
ZPE appears and disappears it has an averaged brownian type
motion that causes the wafers to push and pull against each
other at high speed and great force to create a
piezoelectric voltage that is accumulated when many of these
WIN cells are connected in series...he uses the output to
drive sodium lamps....he won't release any details on
construction though he says he is working on a
patent...that's been about 6 years now...

I try to stay out of the arguments about light, black holes,
life on Mars and such frivolous goal and many
here is to learn to tap the natural forces....the so-called
'impossible' idea of perpetual motion....many people I know
agree that we should be able to learn to tap into the same
forces which cause the planets to orbit the sun, electrons
to orbit protons/neutrons and causes the 'quantum jiggle'
that creates and sustains matter, energy and life.

It does not involve combustion and will be the single most
important discovery ever because it will provide mechanical
thrust, gravity control, energy derived from any point in
space, lagging of local time and side benefits that provide
for healing and possibly rejuvenating the body.

Peter Ammon wrote:
> When people in this discussion list talk about the aether, are they using
> the historical definition; i.e. a unique rest frame through which light
> moves? Or do they mean something else entirely?
> If they do mean the historical definition, how do they explain the fact
> that no aether is observed; i.e. light always moves at the same speed no
> matter how fast you move?
> -Peter
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