Re: Jerry responds on TIME

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sat, 1 Apr 2000 13:58:59 -0800 (PST)

Hi Warren et al!

Ok, it just struck me as a bit sarcastic with no
commentary following...this time you at least
addressed the subject with something interesting...

so I too apologize publically for being hypersensitive
to an innocent comment.

All this time I've been using the aluminum foil on my
head to stop the voices and just thought it had been
working, now Marcelo sends in a neat post about the
real solution is MAGNETS applied to the brain...

Today I was taken aback somewhat listening to NPR
(radio) (about 7:50AM Sat) when they came on with a
special news announcement that NPR was merging with
the WWF and went on to describe how much money they'd
make by combining forces so they could cut down on
pledge drives...then it hit me....April was
definitely amusing to hear a serious news segment come
on like that...

Now, let's shake hands, put on your preferred foil or
magnets and get back down to brass tacks...

> You for one should know my interest has been
> on the study of TIME. Without others thoughts we
> would have no insights of reality.

Very true and I was hoping for your insights, thanks!

> Warren writes:
> People sharing ideas to work the problem at hand be
> it free energy, anti- gravity or TIME travel. (warp
> drive capability)

I was surprised you didn't have something to say about
that hyper speed antenna patent. Norm and I have been
discussing it and it was he who noted the correlation
to some of Hudsons claims.

This other dimensional claim is intriguing. Norm
showed me a drawing of how he envisions the antenna,
bucking North poles, acclerated by heat and the fields
and he correlates this to Hudson's comment about 1,300
or so Kelvin where the spectrum changes due to some
kind of dimensional shift.

Not clear on this AT ALL but to see someone claiming a
device that USES it is nothing short of
remarkable....that time would 'stand still' at this

> Keely states Gravity is the flow of TIME. I have
> also found this to be true. I don't feel I have
> stolen from him because I agree and claim the
> same however. I do expand upon it where he has not.

I never really viewed using anyones ideas and concepts
as stealing...what is that quote about standing on the
shoulders of giants?

That's why this patent business and using public
domain material as if one OWNS it bytes bigtime, it is
sleazy and to my view, criminal to call the work of
others your own. Of course, that is for DEVICES,
ideas and theories should be applied like yeast to
ferment and bubble and spawn into all kinds of lateral

With regard to the MEAD patent and the side effects of
using ZPE;

> Warren writes:
> I will only add, there are rumors of just such
> however it is up to the individuals involved to
> release such proof on their own. The individuals
> I'm thinking of will get a copy of this post. The
> time to take action is now and not when it is lost
> and locked away forever.

Tell them to get off the rear ends if they really have
something that can be duplicated.

I too have talked with several people over they years
who quite possibly had discovered something that was
real, but they are always so paranoid or secretive or
expecting a big investor deal that they release no
useful info.

The best was a guy who claimed he and a partner built
a circuit that 'blew a hole' in the aether/zpe to
allow current to flow in their device. He says the
hole just gets figuratively larger as you applied more
and more loads to it and the maximum they had gone was
a 50KW unit the size of a suitcase.

HOWEVER, he says they had to give up on the bigger
power units because of anomalies and instability that
was too weird to deal with. That made them revert to
a more practical, reliable version that would put out
30Watts...all epoxied with a builtin antenna, the idea
being power for laptops, cellphones, etc....estimated
price $600 for this 'perpetual battery' and from that
they would build more powerful versions to drive

It was his idea that I adopted about a 'perpetual
battery' that would produce 200-1000 watts to run a
single appliance anywhere in the world.

Talk about 'value added'..<g>..

There have been others but this guy just seemed to
know an awful lot about the subject...said each of the
compenents had to be specially selected to add to each
other...kind of like that 'negative resistance'
business that sucks in energy.

He said they had established all the parameters for
each component in their solid state circuit and how
they all interact...that a handful of 50 off the shelf
'identical' components (transistors, etc.) might yield
one that had the characteristics to fit their needs.

Alas, he won't give out any details....he says at
first they were afraid of a manhattan project where a
hole in the zpe/aether would enlarge and rupture to
destroy everything, however, it is
'self-sealing'...the guy impressed me and I sent him
things every now and then but haven't heard from him
directly in about a year.

I understand his business needs but this is
IMPORTANT...and he knows my concerns that he and/or
his partner could die or lose the technology...he is
in his early 60's and semi-retired.

With regard to time, I think everything hinges on the
ZPE/aether and how to tap it...pull too much and you
get the bizarre effects Sweet and others reported,
thats yet another reason I like this other guys
approach of small units spread out over surface area
to power whatever is needed.

The concept that reduced gravity equals slower time
and less weight and slower perception,

and the inverse of that,

increased gravity equals faster time and more weight
with faster perceptions

makes sense. The bizarre side of that is the idea
that planets would have slow time or fast time with
respect to the earth.....kind of makes me wonder if
thats why after some 40 years, we still have no
returned to the moon or really gotten into space.

It wouldn't make any difference if one did live on a
planet with less gravity and slower time, the
perceptions are the same, however, less gravity of
itself should extend life to some degree.

As baffled as ever, but still working on the patchwork quilt.


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