Jerry responds on TIME

Sat, 01 Apr 2000 11:34:07 -0800

Jerry wrote:
Hi Warren et al!

Weird how some people think they are the only ones who
think about some matters, such as time and gravity,
isn't it Warren???

I have always found it amusing when people send emails
or make phone calls hinting or sometimes stating
outright that KeelyNet never gets anything tangible
done because we get into TOO MANY THINGS....

my retort is look at all those who claim to be
FOCUSED, they are more confused than ever,

BECAUSE of fixation with one subject, forest for the
trees kind of thing, no sense of correlation.
Warren writes:
Not sure what you are trying to say here Jerry. I for one
enjoy reading what others have to say about subjects I am
very interested in. I may not agree with all points but
without reflection of others thoughts, I would be prejudging
other possibilities. Doing that would be like trying to think
blind. You for one should know my interest has been on the
study of TIME. Without others thoughts we would have no
insights of reality. I feel Keelynet provides a great service.
I enjoyed hearing what others have to say. I just didn't feel
I needed to comment with my thoughts on the subject again at
this time.(no pun intended) Most already know my interest.
I just wanted to read others thoughts on this and not get into
a drawn out book discussion. I respect what you are doing in
Keelynet and have no wish to clutter or counter act with my
thoughts. We have our own little group of TIME researchers
at our own site going on as you once suggested us to do.
I have found people to ask me direct if they want to
hear from me. Lurking can be educational.
Jerry continues:

Your 'birthday jibe' shows a distinct lack of
awareness on your part of anyones views except for
your own, why is that?
Warren writes:
Jerry! Where did the fun jesters you gave us ALL here last
year go on April Fools Day? You seem upset. I apologize if
your offended for that was not my intentions. I was just
carrying on the tradition. I was surprised you did not strike
first as you did last year. I was even looking forward to it.
Anyway, I apologize personally and publicly if it was taken
as an attack. I would not do that to you or another.
Jerry continues:

Go through and search for time discussions on
KeelyNet, discussion or website and you might be
surprised that there are theories and mentions, for
that matter on the Internet in its entirety and you'll
find the subject is not owned by one person or even
one group, including infonet...<g>....or any other
self proclaimed timelord...and especially by the goofs
claiming time travel who never can prove it when

When we get down to the basics of it, unfortunately,
time and all the rest of alt science conjectures
remain pure BS at this point because

NO ONE has yet come forward PUBLICLY with clear,
reproducible proof to show that any of it can be done
to back up any theory...which is why the CAVEATs of
unproven and contentions and concepts MUST ALWAYS be
added UNLESS there is documented, publicly available

(well, there are a lot of claims that revolve around
some custom, expensive, one of a kind device that no
working person can afford to buy and check out)

That is all about to change, beginning this year,
hopefully online by midsummer.

If I'm wrong on that about lack of proof (on time or
other alt science experiments), please point us all to
the URLs where such proofs are posted and where we may
download or view the protocols of the experiment, that
everyone may verify it for themselves.

That is the test of any theory, proof, reproducible

The link between aether/ZPE as the overriding matrix
which cascades to create gravity, energy, yes, even
the 'flow' of time I have always found to be most
clearly stated by Keely's 'time is gravity'...

Some of the anomalies associated with the suspicion of
ZPE tapping as key to the production of energy and the
alteration of time clearly (in my view) are cooling
(Keely, Schauberger, Kowsky-Frost), lagging time
(dePalmas watch), cold current (Sweet, Moray) and even
the growth of plants which could be due to reduced
gravity or environmental effects such as additional

DePalma indicates heavy masses in rotation produce a
kind of matter current which alters the time flow near
the mass. Bert Pool and I believe it was Norman
Wootan tried a similar experiment and reported no
detectable variation in the watch no matter how close
or how long it was placed near a heavy rotating mass.

Its a hard thing to prove because watches have moving
parts, such as a flywheel or tuning fork, both
susceptible to vibration but matter currents remain
an interesting idea.
Warren writes:
I guess I will comment a little here. This is a very
good point Jerry. One like anything else, what do we
do about it? Just sit and say "oh well" or work the
problem? That's what Keelynet and our own little
research group is all about here. People sharing ideas
to work the problem at hand be it free energy, anti-
gravity or TIME travel. (warp drive capability)
Unfortunately as you have also pointed out, there are
those that will steal from others as claim of ownership.
Using and building upon is not stealing however. The
ones that steal don't create. They just steal! The
patent laws as you also have just pointed out are not
much protection. For me and others here also I am sure,
Keelynet is not just a discussion group but a recorded
database of events and thoughts. It may not hold up in
court but is still a great service for those of us that
are concerned on the matter. As I was saying, using and
adding too is not stealing. Keely states Gravity is the
flow of TIME. I have also found this to be true. I don't
feel I have stolen from him because I agree and claim the
same however. I do expand upon it where he has not. Let's
just develop the free energy, anti-gravity and TIME travel
and stop fighting over our egos. The first person to give
the proof is all that matters. Don't lock it away trying to
protect it or it will be gone. Keely's ancestor made this
mistake many years ago when I wrote to him. He had notes
on a device Keely invented but would not release them. It
is gone forever now. There are others that have done and
are doing the same right now.
Jerry continues:

To my view, the indication is that a possible time
alteration experiment would involve the flow of ZPE in
a given area, whether a 'well' due to cancellation or
sapping of the local ZPE popping in and out of
existence, or maybe an intensification.

But how to KNOW that it was time itself that was being
altered? That's really the gist of it, time of itself
is not a force, I don't think it is real...
Warren writes:
Exactly Jerry! We must find out. The problem is workable
I feel. I'll let you in on a little secret. Back in 1990
a few friends and I ran a fun experiment just playing
around. Something happened and was recorded on video. We
took the problem to the local university seeking answers
to what might have taken place. The answers only confirmed
something very unusual had taken place. We are still working
on the problem still today. My point being is we need to know
for sure. Until then it is only speculation.
Jerry continues:

time is an EFFECT of the influx of gravity into

much like weight of itself isn't a force, it is the a
result of the pressure of gravity (zpe/aether influx)
flowing into mass.
Warren writes:
Since you brought it up let me say this - EXACTLY! You
hit it right on the head I feel Jerry. In our study however
we call it VZPEL (Virtual Zero Point Energy Line). I
will stop short of getting into our theory however.
Jerry continues:

So many factors would come into play with a time flow
experiment, heat, resistance, vibration, other outside

The growth of plants could be a way because it would
indicate a reduction of gravity, similar to the grass
seeds grown on a rotating turntable.

The yogic demonstration, suspected of being due to
mass hynosis, of a seed planted in the soil in front
of witnesses, then watered, with the yogi
concentrating, causes the local time to speed up, the
seed to sprout, grow into a full tree and bear fruit,
all before the eyes of the witnesses. They sample the
fruit, holding half eaten pieces in their hands, as
the yogi reverses the process, the tree shrinks back
into the sprout and back to see, with the fruit left
as proof of the reality.

A story that I always found intriguing (there are
more) when thinking along the lines of time control.
That you could accelerate or slow the local time to
produce realtime effects.
Warren writes:
Yes, Yes!, Now your cooking with gas Jerry.
Jerry continues:

It would be hard to deny such a demonstration that
literally bore fruit, documented on video or film to
negate the claim of mass hypnosis.
Warren writes:
Interesting thought!
Jerry continues:

The Mead patent could be a way to tap enough energy
locally to create the anomalies that Sweet and Bearden
reported around 1000-1200 watts.

Barring an outright duplication of Sweets tuned magnet
experiment, this would seem to be a viable approach,
unless someone else has other ideas of ways to prove

In the case of Mead, they seem to base the claim on
the Casimir experiment and the idea of the beat
frequency to lower the energy to a receivable level to
create an electric current. I think there might be
anomalies in the presence of such a circuit, much like
Sweet claimed.
Warren writes:
I will only add, there are rumors of just such however
it is up to the individuals involved to release such
proof on their own. The individuals I'm thinking of
will get a copy of this post. The time to take action
is now and not when it is lost and locked away forever.
The choice is only yours. My .02 worth and again I
apologize Jerry if I offended you in jest. Warren

> Happy Birthday Jerry! :)

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