Re the Ohio device
Fri, 31 Mar 2000 16:29:46 +0530 (IST)

Jerry W. Decker

I found some information in a book titled 'Power in a Magnet'
published by Dr AK Bhattacharya which I thought may interest
readers interested in the Ohio device. The chapter is called
polarity Therapy and the author Anonymous.


I like to quote Dr T Henry Moray who states in his book, Cosray-
"It has been stated that in the final analysis all things are elec-
trical in nature. If we go a little further, we may assume without
danger of contradiction that all things sum down to rates of vibra-
tions". Remember the latter for to understand Life we must understand
vibratory rates.


Why do you think my evaluatiion of what is correct polarity is true?
Because of the results of my methods of correction which all end up
with the same results.

Method: On my walls at each end of my treating table is a piece of Cu
screen measuring 2 ft by 4 ft. At one corner is soldered a wire that
goes to two automobile ignition coils. This wire from the screen is
fastened to the battery side of the primary winding of the first
battery terminal of the second coil. The ground terminals of the coils
are not used. A wire from the secondary terminals of the second coil
ends in an applicator. I use a piece of sheet lead as it easily takes
the shape of the patient, either head or feet.

Remember that this copper screen is hooked to nothing but the atmosphere
of the room so whatever the patient gets from it he is already getting
some to some degree, but the screen supplies more and going through
the coils multiplies it. Whatever it is you name it. I think it is
Cosmic Ray. There is only one condition - these screens must be kept
five feet above the earth or they will not pick up anything. This is a
mystery to me.

If one's polarity is not correct, why is it not?

My theory. We are told that each individual cell of our body is a small
electrical generator and each has its own vibratory rate. Each group
of cells called an organ has its own vibratory rate. Doctor Abrams
has proved that to my satisfaction.

If the vibratory rate of a cell is reproduced that cell is stimulated.

The next question. If the polarity is not correct, what happens?
I can best answer the question by telling you about a case. Andy
laing was a World War-1 veteran. His first two fingers on his right
hand were black which Doctors said was gangrene.The Doctor knew
the cause was poor circulation. All of his fingers were colourless
and dying

When I checked his polarity it was neutral all over. To prove my point
I corrected his polarity without touching his body. In twenty minutes
all soreness had left his toe.

We watched the gangrenous tissue being replaced by good tissue until
all the black fell off. We watched new finger nails grow and need
cutting. What does all this prove. It proves that when polarity is
incorrect. blood circulation is impaired and we start to deteriorate
or die. I could tell of other cases.

Aura: In one case I found trouble spots in a patient's legs even though
the general polarity was correct. I decided to try treating these spots
by treating the Aura. One writer who connects illness with Aura said

"Sometime ago you told me that you were working on a device which would
enable me to cure illness through the Aura .Yes this is true. Illness is
merely a disturbance in the body vibratiions. If we could actually see
how much the vibration of an organ departs from the normal, then by
restoring the the rate ofvibration to what it should be, we have
effected a cure.Quite definitely, illness can be cured by intervention
through the Aura."

End of excerpts

The matter has been written in a disjointed way. He has also written
about the pyramid, use of magnets and the use of pendulum.

Mrs. Pushpa Srinivasan
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