Re: legal support?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 15:36:29 -0600

Hi Chuck et al!

Thanks, but its not at that point just yet. He seems to
have a problem COMPREHENDING what copyright entails...i.e.
ORIGINAL work..or an ALTERATION of public domain,
pre-existing work.

None of the Tesla documents posted here have been edited or
creatively altered with any signature identifying him or his
'company', and since they have long been public domain, no
matter whether they have been gathering dust in some archive
or not, unless they are edited/altered with new original
material, then its just a patent long standing as public

I have reposted many items as have others of public domain
material as gathered from other media sources, even the
patent office and not altered it or ever tried to copyright
it to scam money off of it, or attempt to lock up the

It is a certain and very clear sign to my view, of INTENT

Its interesting that when this guy first slithered out of
the woodwork, he seemed to be truthful and honest, but I
kept catching him in lies, such as a phone call that I took
notes about, where he claimed to have heated a platinum wire
to glow for 6 months using only his now abandoned (because
it never worked and was never built) chlorine 'fission'
tube, but he denied that when I brought it up publicly and
in conversation with him.

The stories change over and over, claiming, then would be interesting to see how all this
character material comes out in court to show how believable
a person is....

One failed claim after another, always jumping to something
new that also fails, like a juggler who knows he has nothing
but needs to get attention and support from the gullible who
they simply swallow anything he says as FACT....

It is truly disgusting...when I was THROWN off the freenrg
list for engaging him, so too was he, though he was
resubcribed almost immediately and has effectively taken
over the list...

Not my problem as he only cares about discussion lists to
promote his claims..

Well, if 'the believers' don't have the backbone to stand up
to question so many claims that NEVER work, then they
deserve what they get.

This blustering and public 'p***ing' contest is just another
ploy to draw attention to his lame and forever failing

The idea that I would back down based on one whining post
after another borders on the absurd. Legal documents are
NOT issued via email, nor will I simply remove documents
which were in existence before he was EVER BORN just on his
say so.

If he HAD edited or altered them, then he WOULD have a case,
however, I detect nothing in any of them showing his stamp
or modifications. As I recall, Fred says HE scanned them in

It is clearly a control issue and seems to have worked with
a couple of others who he has threatened....there is the
possiblity of drawing them into the mix as co-defendants or
possibly a class action against him....lots of

He certainly needs to be stopped fact, it could
be a precendent setting case, though everything points to a
summary judgment, dismissed or thrown out of court for lack
of evidence or just plain absurdity....possibly with
repercussions and fines from the court for WASTING THEIR
TIME on such obviously illegal attempts to control that
which is not earned or due.

It would make for a most interesting splash on the alt
science scene, but I'll let my lawyer instruct me as to how
we shall proceed, providing I get LEGAL documents sent to my
legal address, not an email with a Dear Sir fluff header.

> chuck's corner wrote:
> Jerry,
> I realize in light of the potential it holds this may be
> a target on me 2 BUT...
> I for one will be more than happy to send
> your legal defense fund for the purpose of putting an end
> to this type of madness.... if it is quelched from the
> start it may deterr any other 'claim-jumpin' low-lifes
> from trying further scams of this nature.... I can't speak
> for others but I doubt seriously that you'll find less
> than dozens of others who will rally to the task and match
> my attitude with financial support to end this quickly....
> I have not heard of you ever 'charging' for the services
> you provide nor have I ever been aware that you have ever
> posted anything that was not credited to the 'original
> 'author and then only as was permissably released. This is
> the kind of thing that would effectively work to destroy
> the 'good' that has come from many minds working towards a
> collective goal and I for one won't stand for it if I can
> help it. What a SCAM ARTIST!
> Time to give me your new legal defense fund adress.
> THANKS for all you are doing and don't give up in light
> of present obstacles, much like gastrointestinal
> discomfort "it'll pass". Chuck
> Farrar

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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