legal support?

chuck's corner ( (no email) )
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 16:02:43 -0500

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I realize in light of the potential it holds this may be a target on me =
2 BUT...
I for one will be more than happy to send your legal =
defense fund for the purpose of putting an end to this type of =
madness.... if it is quelched from the start it may deterr any other =
'claim-jumpin' low-lifes from trying further scams of this nature.... I =
can't speak for others but I doubt seriously that you'll find less than =
dozens of others who will rally to the task and match my attitude with =
financial support to end this quickly.... I have not heard of you ever =
'charging' for the services you provide nor have I ever been aware that =
you have ever posted anything that was not credited to the 'original =
'author and then only as was permissably released. This is the kind of =
thing that would effectively work to destroy the 'good' that has come =
from many minds working towards a collective goal and I for one won't =
stand for it if I can help it. What a SCAM ARTIST!=20
Time to give me your new legal defense fund adress. THANKS for all you =
are doing and don't give up in light of present obstacles, much like =
gastrointestinal discomfort "it'll pass". =
Chuck Farrar
Click here for Free Video!!

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 I realize in light of the potential it =holds this=20may be a target on me 2 BUT...
  I for one will be more than happy to send your legal defense fund for the purpose of putting an end =to this=20type of madness.... if it is quelched from the start it may deterr any =other=20'claim-jumpin' low-lifes from trying further scams of this nature.... I =can't=20speak for others but I doubt seriously that you'll find less than dozens =of=20others who will rally to the task and match my attitude with financial =support=20to end this quickly.... I have not heard of you ever 'charging' for the =services=20you provide nor have I ever been aware that you have ever posted =anything that=20was not credited to the 'original 'author and then only as was =permissably=20released. This is the kind of thing that would effectively work to =destroy the=20'good' that has come from many minds working towards a collective goal =and I for=20one won't stand for it if I can help it. What a SCAM ARTIST! =
 Time to give me your new legal defense =fund adress.=20THANKS for all you are  doing and don't give up in light of =present=20obstacles, much like gastrointestinal discomfort "it'll=20pass".           &=nbsp;           &n=bsp;  =20Chuck Farrar
Click =here for=20Free Video!!<=/A>
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