RE: Gunnerman A-55 30-50% water to fuel mix/ GEET

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 12:23:57 -0500

Just one more question?
I know a while ago I asked (no one responded) to the bubbler
for the GEET machine or similar. When you mix all these chemicals
such as water, soda pop, pickle juice, gasoline, coffee, etc..
and place in a plastic bottle (that does not dissolve in fuel?)
and bubble hot exhaust gas through the mixture, what comes off
as a gas to feed into the carburetor? Does not the gasoline
come off first? Then maybe the lowest vapor pressure chemicals
such as vinegar? What is left in the plastic bottle when your
done? And how far done .. or mixture will be left before the
GEET motor unit does not run anymore? What is the gas that is
actually being burned? Not water vapor?

Need more detail or discussion on this from GEET users...

MIT uses only fuel to break the hydrogen out of gasoline and
reinjects it into the cylinders. They also use somehow plasma
to break the molecular bonds.

v/r Ken Carrigan

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Wayne Decker []
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: Gunnerman A-55 30-50% water to fuel mix

Hi Chuck et al!

No reason in particular that I'm not stuck on GEET as
the only option...I know Paul and I think he's great
but the web is swamped with stuff about GEET.

With so much being available about GEET these days,
why join the herd and further confuse the issue?

I much prefer the lesser known material that needs to
see the light of day and hopefully get picked up,
copied and experimented with...

Lots of ways to skin a cat.

You seem to be particularly fixated on GEET..<g>...not
my business to ask why but its just there is SO MUCH
out there about it and a lot of people marketing it as
franchise distributor and all that jazz.

Some of the MANY sites;

and on and on and on...

We have MORE than covered GEET as per KeelyNet posts

Geet is mentioned twice in this water/fuel doc;

Twice mentioned - Naudins experiment with GEET and
free GEET conversion plans at;

and the posts on this very discussion list are at;

and it came up with 31 OTHER mentions of GEET, so I
don't understand why you think its not sufficiently

Sounds like you need to start a GEET discussion list
so you can fill up on it..<g>..for hoots, looked it up
and guess what came up, a post to THIS discussion list
recommending the GEET discussion list as at;

You must not have received the email threatening
repercussions for anyone who talked about GEET
publicly...<g>...JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--- chuck's corner <> wrote:
> Jerry,
> ?
> curious..... I know I was able to reach you with an
> earlier there a reason why people (and you
> as well it would seem) have been quite close-lipped
> about the Geet fuel processor or its potential place

> in our present predicament regarding fuel prices...?

> or is there another reason I'm not aware of....? I
> for one find it remarkable but am having to re-
> evaluate my 'conventional wisdoms' regarding engines

> as this controls fuel consumption as well as heat by

> restricting flow ....


Please respond to
as I am writing from my work email of!

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